Thursday, 20 February 2025

Members statements

Boisdale and District Progress Association

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Boisdale and District Progress Association

Tim BULL (Gippsland East) (09:52): The Boisdale Stables are run by a group of dedicated volunteers attached to the Boisdale and District Progress Association. They were restored with funding from the coalition government some time ago. Those community members put in a lot of time and effort. They are a not-for-profit group, and they are continually working to improve that facility. When they were lumbered with a new land tax bill equating to 10 per cent of the association’s gross income, they thought it must have been a mistake. They were rightfully appalled and applied to the State Revenue Office for what they thought would be an obvious exemption. However, it was refused because their primary purposes are not conducting a sporting event or outdoor cultural activities – so chopped off. I have to say to the Treasurer that this needs revisiting. This is the sort of group that should not be caught up in being lumbered by a land tax. The SRO needs to be provided with the flexibility to be able to cater for organisations like the Boisdale progress association rather than having to make determinations against a very rigid criteria with no flexibility. This government talks about helping volunteers. It is about time they put that ethos into action and started supporting volunteers like those in Boisdale.