Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Members statements

Alfred Health

Alfred Health

Ms CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (12:46): I on Saturday night had the great honour and was delighted to attend the Alfred hospital’s 150-year celebration. It was a very special occasion, particularly after what so many of these staff have been going through over the last 2½ years. The Alfred, as we know, is in the electorate of Mr Davis and me, Southern Metro, and Ms Taylor, who is in the chamber today, and the minister spoke at the event on Saturday night. But it really did celebrate 150 years of the Alfred being on its original site. It was a community-built effort back in 1871, and it remains today on the original site of the Alfred. A lot has happened over that time, and if you look through the milestones, I am pleased to say that I actually was there at some of the very historical points when the Alfred made such a difference to so many people’s lives, and not only for Victorians but for those from interstate and sometimes for those from international jurisdictions who have come from overseas to seek specialist treatments. So I was very proud to be there on Saturday night not only in my role as the Shadow Minister for Health but as a former nurse at the Alfred hospital. Congratulations to all.