Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Members statements

Level crossing removals

Level crossing removals

David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (09:44): I rise today to express increasing concern about the belligerent and threatening actions of the government through its offices at the Surrey Hills and Mont Albert railway stations. It is appalling. Elizabeth Meredith is somebody I have known for many, many years. She is an older woman who lives nearby and has been active in planning matters for decades, protecting her community and working to ensure that better outcomes are achieved for our community. The treatment of Elizabeth Meredith by the Department of Transport and Planning and officers of the department is nothing short of disgraceful, but she is the last in a long line with the Surrey Hills and Mont Albert crossing removals. The head of the publicity department at the Level Crossing Removal Project has been clearly a very threatening and unpleasant individual, and the community is clearly very unhappy. Businesses have not been treated properly. Never forget that this is all on the basis of a flat lie. People were promised in 2018 that two stations would be built as rail under road, and we strongly supported that model. What we did not support is stripping stations out, removing the two stations that have been there since 1890 on a nonsense excuse and doing so – (Time expired)