Wednesday, 8 March 2023




The PRESIDENT: Before I call the minister, Mrs McArthur, can I suggest that your action might be better directed to the Minister for Equality so you might get an appropriate response. Could you take that into account, Minister.

Ingrid STITT (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep, Minister for Environment) (18:38): There were 12 adjournment matters this evening to various ministers, and responses will be provided.

I am very disappointed that Mr McCracken has left the chamber. He was so excited that I was here to be able to answer his adjournment, so perhaps you could pass on this message: this is a joint project between Regional Development Victoria and the City of Ballarat, so I will be referring Mr McCracken’s adjournment matter to the relevant minister, in this case Minister Shing, the Minister for Regional Development.

Bev McArthur: On a point of order, President, I am just wondering if you had any opportunity to look at the question without notice to Minister Tierney today and her response.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mrs McArthur. I did state that I would get back to the house if I thought I was wrong. I was not wrong, so I have not asked the minister to give a written response. The house stands adjourned.

House adjourned 6:40 pm.