Wednesday, 17 May 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority
Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority
Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (12:07): (140) My question is again to the Minister for Emergency Services. Minister, today on radio 3AW ESTA CEO Stephen Leane told Neil Mitchell that IT issues in ESTA are still outstanding and more funding is required, so I ask: how much money is required to fix ESTA’s IT system?
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:08): I was just looking for some of the figures for you, Ms Crozier, but they are not coming to hand. This is a question that I have provided information to the chamber before on in relation to the CAD system. The CAD system is the call and dispatch system which supports our call takers in relation to connecting them to maps and communicating with emergency services to be able to dispatch them in a timely manner as Victorians expect. It is a system that we continually invest in. To put a figure on how much it costs, it is kind of a continually evolving piece of infrastructure. We have spent millions, and we make absolutely no apology for that. It is a vital piece of equipment, and we will continue to make investments. I have given you figures before. I am happy to give you the update on where we are up to, because I have provided it before and I can provide it again.
Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (12:09): Thank you very much for the assurance, Minister – as the CEO would not provide that funding, there is a question mark, as you say, about the ongoing funding that is required – that the house can have that. So I ask, Minister: when will the IT system at ESTA be fixed?
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:09): Ms Crozier, you are implying that it is broken. I do not concede that it is broken. When you call 000, people answer and emergency services are dispatched appropriately. With all IT projects –
Members interjecting.
Jaclyn SYMES: We will continue to invest in an IT system that fundamentally supports the work of the hardworking staff at ESTA. It needs to be updated, it needs to be continually improved and we will continue to make the appropriate investments.