Thursday, 1 June 2023
Constituency questions
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Nicholas McGOWAN (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:39): (234) My constituency question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and it relates to safety concerns for pedestrians crossing Diamond Creek Road near the intersection of Greenhill Road, Greensborough, within the vicinity of the bus stop. Local residents have petitioned for a signalised pedestrian crossing for this bus stop. Disembarking passengers, including schoolchildren, have no safe passage to cross busy Diamond Creek Road, which has a speed limit of 70 kilometres an hour and consists of two lanes of traffic in both directions. In the past the government has undertaken only minor safety upgrades on Diamond Creek Road by slightly reducing the speed limit and installing additional line marking near the Greenhill Road intersection, which they state has improved safety for schoolchildren and pedestrians. These works do not go anywhere near far enough to improve safety and have not resulted in a safer crossing option. My question to the minister is: when will the government install an urgently needed, signalised pedestrian crossing on Diamond Creek Road near the intersection of Greenhill Road, Greensborough, to ensure the safe passage of pedestrians?