Thursday, 16 November 2023

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region


Northern Victoria Region

Georgie PURCELL (Northern Victoria) (12:42): (568) My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Black Forest Drive in Woodend is known as a dangerous spot for drivers, cyclists and wildlife, but recently there has been concern for the visibility of schoolchildren getting off buses. It is something that my own community experienced when I was a child, with one of my own school peers getting off a bus and being hit and killed while crossing a highway. With the welcomed redevelopment of Black Forest Drive, residents are concerned that there will be a period of increased danger due to driver unfamiliarity with the decreased lane and driving space when Black Forest Drive pedestrian refuges are installed. My constituents want to know what is planned for increased visibility of pedestrians, particularly schoolchildren, on Black Forest Drive in Woodend.