Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Members statements
Kindred Clubhouse
Kindred Clubhouse
Tom McINTOSH (Eastern Victoria) (09:53): I recently joined the member for Hastings Paul Mercurio to attend Kindred Clubhouse, which is a fantastic organisation and place. There are 180 ‍members there that come together to support each other with mental health issues that they have faced. Many have faced significant mental health issues. It is very much peer led. There are 2.5 FTE staff there that support what is an open place where people can come at any time of the day to be with other people and talk about the issues they have faced or the struggles they have faced and work through it together at their own pace in a very open, supportive and collaborative environment. We see that the majority of people there are not going back to hospital. It is a beautiful peer model, and I just want to congratulate everybody there.