Wednesday, 6 March 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Written responses
Written responses
The PRESIDENT (12:51): That ends questions and ministers statements. As far as today’s questions go, can I thank Minister Symes, who will get two responses, in line with the standing orders, from the Minister for Agriculture for Ms Purcell’s questions, and Minister Tierney on the substantive question from Mr McCracken. I thank her for committing to getting that written response. In saying that – I hope in 44 years time someone quotes in this house a ruling from President Leane – there was a ruling from President Grimwade that questions without notice should not be so detailed as to make it impossible for the minister to answer at the time. I felt like the detail of the question asked of Minister Tierney may have fallen into that category. So I will just put the house on notice, but I do thank Minister Tierney, who will get Mr McCracken an answer in line with the standing orders for this one.
Melina Bath: On a point of order, President, I have got some outstanding constituency questions and adjournment debates that I would like to put on record: constituency question 619, 81 days; adjournment debates 626, 68 days; 343, 217 days; 429, 159 days; 305, 227 days; and 650, 66 days overdue.
The PRESIDENT: Are any of them for ministers in this house?
Melina Bath: Yes, there are. I will send them on to the specific ones.
The PRESIDENT: Can a minister to commit to following that up?
Lizzie Blandthorn: On the point of order, President, there are a number of matters and we will follow them up.