Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Northern Victoria Region

Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) (12:35): (1242) My question is to the Minister for Agriculture, and it is to confirm the state government’s commitment to the future of the Bendigo Livestock Exchange. It is a key saleyard in regional Victoria where more than 20,000 sheep and lambs are sold every week before being transported across Australia and overseas. A new organic waste processing facility has been proposed right next door, and the City of Greater Bendigo council are expected to review the planning permit application at their next meeting. Western Composting Technology expect to process up to 30,000 tonnes of organic waste at the site each year. In June this year the EPA sought advice from Agriculture Victoria about the biosecurity risks associated with the project. Agriculture Victoria responded on 3 September in a letter outlining the biosecurity risks and included a list of questions that should set off alarm bells. Local residents have raised concerns about the risks and suitability of this proposed facility being within 150 metres of the saleyards. What assurances did Agriculture Victoria receive from the EPA to confirm the suitability of the site before they approved the application earlier this month, and will the state government confirm its commitment to the future of the Bendigo Livestock Exchange at its existing location?