Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Fire services


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Fire services

Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:34): My question is to the Attorney-General. The government has budgeted for a $186 million increase in the state fire services property levy for this year. At the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee last week Victorian taxpayers learned that your department has not yet forecast the additional revenue that may be allocated through the increase in the fire services property levy to CFA or FRV at this stage. Minister, why is the money not being allocated immediately to new trucks and equipment to support our firefighters?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:34): Can I just clarify, Mr Mulholland: you addressed that question to the Attorney-General; I would propose that I answer it in my capacity as Minister for Emergency Services and also point out that although I can respond, the fire property services levy is also technically a matter for the Treasurer. Obviously as it is a measure that is an investment in our fire services, FRV and CFA, I can assure you, Mr Mulholland, that the money collected from the fire property services levy does not bring in more than what we spend on fire services. We use consolidated revenue to also support our fire services, both paid and our volunteer services, because we do not make any apologies for investing in the needs of our volunteers and paid fire services, whether it is fleet, equipment or pay and conditions and the like, and when it comes to their budgets each and every year, we consult with FRV and CFA on their priorities.

Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:36): Minister, will you guarantee that every extra dollar raised through the fire services levy increases will be spent on fire services and will not remain in state government general revenue?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:36): Thank you, Mr Mulholland. I think I effectively answered your question in answer to your initial question because, as I explained, the fire services property levy helps fund fire services provided by both FRV and CFA. While this is the majority of the funding, it is not all of it, and we use consolidated revenue to top it up. Isn’t that pretty clear in answering the question that you have asked? Because we are spending more on fire services than the property levy brings in, we are actually using consolidated revenue to fund fire services. So the way you have described it is not the reality of what is happening, and I think I am on the record many times explaining this. I am not quite sure what you have missed. I am more than happy to take you through how it works, but the way you have questioned it shows a misunderstanding of the reality of how we fund fire services.