Wednesday, 27 November 2024
Enver ERDOGAN (Northern Metropolitan – Minister for Corrections, Minister for Youth Justice, Minister for Victim Support) (19:23): There were 16 matters raised today: Ms Crozier to the Minister for Health, Ms Purcell to the Minister for Outdoor Recreation, Mr McGowan to the Premier, Mr Puglielli to the Treasurer, Ms Bath to the Treasurer, Ms Payne to the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Dr Heath to the Minister for Planning, Mrs Tyrrell to the Premier, Mrs Hermans to the Minister for Emergency Services, Mr Limbrick to the Minister for Environment, Mr Welch to the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop, Mr Mulholland to the planning minister, Mrs McArthur to the Premier, Mr Davis to the Minister for Energy and Resources, Mrs Broad to the Minister for Police and Ms Lovell to the Minister for Environment.
I will make sure that all those matters that were raised will be referred to the relevant ministers for an appropriate response.
House adjourned 7:24Â pm.