Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Duck hunting
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Duck hunting
Georgie PURCELL (Northern Victoria) (12:14): (807) My question is for the minister representing the Minister for Outdoor Recreation. The select committee on recreational native bird hunting arrangements heard damning evidence of wounding rates being up to 40 per cent, inhumane and illegal killing methods, deliberate shooting over bag limits and non-compliance that is commonplace and widespread. The government of course chose to ignore the committee’s main recommendation to ban recreational duck shooting and instead announced $12 million of taxpayer money on so-called commonsense reforms. The evidence that guided these reforms was due to the behaviour of the existing shooting fraternity, so why are only new shooters required to undergo mandatory training and testing?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Water) (12:15): I thank Ms Purcell for her advocacy in this area. Obviously this is a matter for the Minister for Outdoor Recreation, and it will be referred to him as per the standing orders.
Georgie PURCELL (Northern Victoria) (12:15): Thank you, Minister, for referring that on. The government’s decision to increase the season length and bag limit for this year’s season was made despite knowing that waterbird numbers are at an all-time low. Instead of taking action to protect vulnerable species, they have decided that now is the right time to experiment with a brand new model. The adaptive harvest model fails to account for the illegal shooting of protected species, consistently high wounding rates and the cultural significance of the sites where shooting occurs. Why did the government close off preseason consultation, which they have always previously conducted, with wildlife experts and traditional owners ahead of this year’s announcement?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Water) (12:16): Again, I thank Ms Purcell for her supplementary question, and as per the substantive question, I will refer that to the Minister for Outdoor Recreation.