Conducting Public Hearings

Under the Committee's power to self-refer inquiries, it will examine the 2023-24 Annual Reports of the Department of Transport and Planning, and the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. Specifically, it resolved: 

That the Committee conducts an inquiry into the supply of homes in regional Victoria including the methods of building them and the mix of housing forms and types and report no later than 15 December 2025.

Inquiry snapshot

Our Committee is looking at the methods of building homes and the mix of housing forms and types in regional Victoria.

We’re also examining a range of housing issues including areas in most need, workforce challenges in the construction industry and accommodation for regional workers in key sectors.

Submissions welcome

Public submissions can be made using the website form until 31 March 2025.

Make a submission

Public hearings

Members of the Committee are travelling around regional Victoria as part of the public hearing phase of the inquiry. At a hearing in Colac on Monday 24 February community groups, local government representatives and agencies operating in the area had their say.

See schedules >

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Legislative Assembly Environment and Planning Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street
