The first Act: 2018-2024
15 February 2024

At the start of February, the Victorian parliament completed its first sitting day for 2024, and passed its first bill for the year. The first Act of Parliament each year provides some great insight into the range of legislation that is debated and passed through parliament, as well as some of the responses to issues happening across Victoria.
From injury compensation, environmental protection to biosecurity and patient care, there is a diverse range of legislation listed below. We’ve included some timelines that give some indication of the varied amount of time it takes for a bill to pass. There are also some details on whether or not the bill went to the Committee of the Whole stage, an optional stage in the Legislative Council where members of parliament suggest and vote on amendments to a bill.
For each Act there is a link to the Victorian Legislation website, where you can find more details about the Statement of Compatibility to the Victorian Charter of Human Rights, the Second Reading Speeches from both chambers, and any details about amendments made to the bill.
The different Acts of Parliament can be used in the classroom as case studies to not only explore the varied legislation that parliament makes, but also how long it takes to pass a bill, and the amendment processes.
Compensation Legislation Amendment Act 2018
This Act focuses on removing the medical excess that would need to be paid by a person injured in a transport accident, and to creates further protection for jockeys and apprentice jockeys who have been injured in their field of work.
Legislative Assembly
17 October 2017 First reading passed
2 November 2017 Second reading passed
2 November 2017 Third reading passed
Legislative Council
2 November 2017 First reading passed
8 February 2018 Second reading passed
8 February 2018 Third reading passed
Royal Assent
13 February 2018
Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient Ratios) Amendment Act 2019
This Act focuses on improving the care and safety of patients in hospitals, providing better support for these patients, as well as support for nurses and midwives. This included a change to the ratio of nurses/midwives to patients in critical care wards so that there is improved care for patients.
Legislative Assembly
19 December 2018 First reading passed
5 February 2019 Second reading passed
5 February 2019 Third reading passed
Legislative Council
6 February 2019 First reading passed
21 February 2019 Second reading passed
21 February 2019 Committee of the while (Bill not amended)
21 February 2019 Third reading passed
Royal Assent
26 February 2019
Melbourne Strategic Assessment (Environment Mitigation Levy) Act 2020
This Act imposes a levy to fund measures to mitigate the impact on the environment caused by the development of land in Melbourne’s growth corridors.
Legislative Assembly
15 October 2019 First reading passed
31 October 2019 Second reading passed
31 October 2019 Third reading passed
Legislative Council
31 October 2019 First reading passed
6 February 2020 Second reading passed
6 February 2020 Committee of the while (Bill not amended)
6 February 2020 Third reading passed
Royal Assent
11 February 2020
Consumer and Other Acts Miscellaneous Amendments Act 2021
This Act amends small sections of several related Acts of Parliament that protect consumer rights, gambling and liquor regulations, and residential tenancies rights. Some of the amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 mean that it is more challenging for landlords to provide eviction notices to tenants for no specified reasons, and to provide similar protections for those renting in caravan parks. Other Acts amended were the Australian Consumer Law and Fair-Trading Act 2012, Gambling Regulation Act2003, Liquor Control Reform Act 1998, and Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2018.
Legislative Assembly
16 June 2020 First reading passed
12 November 2020 Second reading passed
12 November 2020 Third reading passed
Legislative Council
12 November 2020 First reading passed
2 February 2021 Second reading passed
2 February 2021 Third reading passed
Royal Assent
9 February 2021
Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Procedure Disclosure and other matters) Act 2022
The purpose of this Act is to increase the safety of Victorian’s citizens by improving the procedures put in place in specific circumstances, such as when dealing with informants, the information provided to victims of a crime and broadening sentence indications in higher courts. There were also minor changes made in various other acts where more clarification was needed.
Legislative Assembly
26 October 2021 First reading passed
18 November 2021 Second reading passed
18 November 2021 Third reading passed
Legislative Council
18 November 2021 First reading passed
8 February 2022 Second reading passed
8 February 2022 Committee of the whole (amendments were agreed to)
8 February 2022 Third reading passed
Royal Assent
15 February 2022
Building and Planning Legislation Amendment Act 2023
This Act amends the Building Act 1993 and Architects Act 1991 to automatically recognise building practitioners, building employers, plumbers and architects who are registered or licensed in other jurisdictions. It also amended the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to protect metropolitan ‘green wedges’ and protect distinctive area landscapes – following a similar theme of environmental protection as the first passed legislation in 2020.
Legislative Assembly
20 December 2022 First reading passed
9 February 2023 Second reading passed
9 February 2023 Third reading passed
Legislative Council
9 February 2023 First reading passed
23 February 2023 Second reading passed
23 February 2023 Committee of the whole (amendments were not agreed to)
23 February 2023 Third reading passed
Royal Assent
28 February 2023
The Biosecurity Legislation Amendment (Incident Response) Bill 2023
This Act amends the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994, Livestock Management Act 2010 and Plant Biosecurity Act 2010 to improve the operation of those Acts in relation to biosecurity incident preparedness and response. It follows a review focused on improving Victoria's readiness to respond to an outbreak of an exotic animal disease, such as foot-and-mouth disease, as well as the detection and management of exotic plant diseases and pests in Australia.
Legislative Assembly
1 November 2023 First reading passed
30 November 2023 Second reading passed
30 November 2023 Third reading passed
Legislative Council
30 November 2023 First reading passed
6 February 2024 Second reading passed
6 February 2024 Committee of the whole (amendments were not agreed to)
6 February 2024 Third reading passed
Royal Assent
13 February 2024