Latest news and updates for teachers, supporting civics education in Victorian classrooms.
Society | 28 February 2025
Political representation is evolving with culturally diverse Victorians leading a big shift in recent years.
General | 27 February 2025
Workshop explores use of co-design to enliven teaching of civics in the classroom.
General | 12 February 2023
Legislative Council President Shaun Leane kicks off regular video recap of sitting weeks.
General | 3 February 2025
The history of electoral boundaries in Victoria is explored in a new research paper from the Parliamentary Library.
General | 16 January 2025
In July 2024, the Electoral Matters Committee recommended Victoria adopt a new way of electing the Upper House to eliminate group voting tickets, which determine where ‘above‑the‑line’ votes are transferred in the current system.
General | 21 November 2024
A unique and vital part of Victoria’s system of government, Cabinet and its processes are unknown to many and have been subject to recent parliamentary and legal challenges.
15 October 2024
One of our most popular topics for Parliament Prize participants, as always, is education, with students sharing their thoughts around issues of equity and access, curriculum, school buildings and raft of other topics.
8 October 2024
Over the last few years there has been an increase in the number of young people talking about health, mental health and wellbeing, and this year was no exception with 15% of entries highlighting the benefits of mental health support, health concerns relating to habits like vaping, and the impact of good health-based education programs.
1 October 2024
Every year, the young people who enter our Parliament Prize competition talk about a really diverse variety of topics. One of our most popular topics is the environment, covering everything from plastic usage and tree coverage to waste management and wildlife protection, and everything in between.
This issue of 'What’s happening in parliament' highlights some bills that are in various stages of their parliament journey and the length of time these bills have taken to pass through parliament.
2 October 2024
The committees in both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council have been busy with conducting inquiries and tabling reports. This blog post takes a look at a few different committees across both houses and their respective activities.
27 August 2024
The age of criminal responsibility has been a topic of discussion, both in parliament and the media over recent years. The Youth Justice Bill 2024, which addresses changing the age of criminal responsibility, has just passed both houses and is awaiting Royal Assent.
21 August 2024
Teachers from across Victoria attended a conference on teaching civics and citizenship in a contemporary society, exploring the new civics and citizenship curriculum, as well as strategies for the classroom.
20 August 2024
Believe it or not, science and citizenship have a great deal in common. Whilst science (in a broad sense) focuses on the pursuit and application of knowledge of the natural and physical world, civics and citizenship considers peoples involvement in particular groups and their rights and responsibilities within these.
16 August 2024
Citizen science projects have become a popular and incredibly useful way for a whole range of people to contribute to their community and to science.
General | 14 August 2024
The competition received a record-setting 1126 entries from pupils in grades 5 through to year 12 on issues important to them and their communities.
6 August 2024
When it comes to citizen science, Victoria has a range of ways people of all ages can become involved, and the Seal Spotter project, based in Phillip Island, is just one way Victorian's are contributing to science.
23 July 2024
With another successful Teacher Open House under their belts, parliament staff reflect on what they enjoy the most about supporting Victorian educators.
22 July 2024
Students from across Victoria were invited to Parliament House to attend our inaugural Pathways and Possibilities forum, learning about the different career pathways in parliament.
General | 21 June 2024
Submissions have closed and judging is about to get underway after the popular competition attracted an all-time high 1126 video statements from students across Victoria.
3 June 2024
Can’t make it in to visit the Parliament of Victoria? Our new Augmented Reality experience enables you to virtually visit parliament to learn about the history of parliament, the work of Members of Parliament and how you can have your say.
20 June 2024
Are you looking for an additional experience to support your visit to the Parliament of Victoria? Consider visiting the Old Treasury Building to build or extend your students’ understanding of democracy and the yearly of Victoria and federation.
12 June 2024
Every now and again the Community Engagement Education team engage with a range of schools and universities to trial new programs and experiences. This blog post provides an overview of some of our recent engagements and the different resources that were used.
21 May 2024
In mid-April, to coincide with the Legislative Council's regional sitting, the Community Engagement education team ventured to Northern Victoria to conduct a series of workshops for schools in the Echuca area.
Booking your school to visit Parliament on a sitting day can be unpredictable, but it can also be a great experience that students will remember for years to come.
30 May 2024
In this blog post we take a look at a couple of bills under consideration in both houses, as well as a number of committee inquiries. There has been a lot going on in committees, including the interim report for the 2022 Flood Event in Victoria that was tabled at the Legislative Council's regional sitting in Echuca and the recent hearing for Public Accounts and Estimates Committee Inquiry into vaping and tobacco controls.
16 April 2024
What makes a sitting special? Is it the place, time, procedure or content? Is it none, or all of the above? With the regional sitting in Echuca just around the corner, we thought it was time to delve deeper into the specifics of special sittings.
18 April 2024
The first four sitting weeks of 2024 have seen a range of bills introduced and passed in parliament. The committees have also been hard at work, receiving terms of reference for new inquiries, accepting submissions, conducting public hearings and tabling their reports. When members are busy back in their electorates, let’s take a look at some recent bills and inquiries.
4 March 2024
On Monday 4th of March, over 90 students from 17 schools visited the Parliament of Victoria for a panel event held for International Women’s Day, with this year's theme Invest in women: Accelerate progress.
13 March 2024
Parliament has had a busy start to 2024. There are a range of bills being discussed in both the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council, and one bill awaiting Royal Assent. Committee hearings are also underway with a number of committees taking public submissions and holding public hearings.
22 February 2023
Professional reading can be a great way to engage in professional development; it can offer diverse voices, insights to specialist subjects, and flexibility in time commitment, content and location.
15 February 2024
At the start of February, the Victorian parliament completed its first sitting day for 2024, and passed its first bill for the year. The first Act of Parliament each year provides some great insight into the range of legislation that is debated and passed through parliament, as well as some of the responses to issues happening across Victoria.
9 February 2024
For many people, being a leader or an advocate for change can be a daunting concept. Our upcoming video series ‘Leadership and advocacy’ explores the journeys of some of our Members of Parliament, as well as two youth advocates, Danny and Daizy. The series explores what they do, how they engage with people and what they've learnt along the way. In this post, Danny and Daizy reflect on their journey and the importance of the work they do.
5 February 2024
If you're in preparation mode and looking to add some new resources to your classroom, we've put together an overview of different civics and citizenship concepts you can easily embed. These activities are not just for your humanities classroom but can be used across a range of subject areas.
General | 18 December 2023
From seminars to an open house, more than 200 teachers have taken part in a range of education events at Parliament House.
4 December 2023
The first year of the 60th Parliament has been a busy one, with a range of bills passing in the last couple of sitting weeks of the year. While the work inside the Chambers is done for 2023, committee inquiries and the work of Members of Parliament in their electorate continues.
29 November 2023
What can you expect from a conference session from Parliament of Victoria to look like? Lots of hands-on activities, time for discussion and some strategies to make connections between civics concepts and your classroom.
General | 30 October 2023
New youth-led podcast series answers a variety of questions about parliament.
18 October 2023
We are more than half way through the first year of the 60th Parliament. It’s been a busy year so far, with a range of new bills introduced, and several committees holding inquiries, including public hearings in regional Victoria.
17 October 2023
As we approach the first anniversary of the 60th Parliament of Victoria, we take a look at the composition and role of the Legislative Council, the voting processes, the minor parties, the diverse voices and what all of this means for democracy.
When a seat in parliament is vacated during a parliamentary term it creates what is known as a casual vacancy. There are three potential election methods used by the Victorian Electoral Commission depending on how the seat has been vacated.
22 September 2023
Every year, the young people who enter our Parliament Prize competition talk about a really diverse variety of topics. These range from big concepts and international issues such as homelessness, world peace and climate change, to local issues such as street lights and school crossings, and everything in between.
11 September 2023
General | 25 August 2023
The winning entries for the 2023 Parliament Prize have been announced today on parliament’s social media channels.
General | 19 August 2023
Science and civics education combine as Mission Control lands at Parliament House.
General | 7 September 2023
In the dynamic political landscape of Victoria, the ethical quandary faced by parliamentarians has become ever more apparent.
General | 9 August 2023
Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC has been inaugurated as the 30th Governor of Victoria.
General | 26 June 2023
More than three decades after Victoria’s first Youth Parliament, young people from across Victoria are once again showing the best of their leadership skills at Parliament House.
General | 24 April 2023
Over 100 teachers visited Parliament House last week to take part in Teacher Open House, a new initiative of the Victorian Parliament that aims to strengthen connections with teachers and support civics and legal studies in the classroom.
17 March 2023
The first few sitting weeks of the 60th Parliament have been busy, with the introduction of new legislation in both houses, the formation of new committees and the announcement of new committee inquiries.
Teachers from across Victoria joined us online and in person at Parliament House recently, for our latest professional development session delivered in collaboration with Victoria Law Foundation.
General | 23 February 2023
Victoria University's program with Victorian Parliament gets national recognition.
16 February 2023
Just like so many new teachers starting out the 2023 school year, 43 new members are joining the Parliament of Victoria for the beginning of the 60th Parliament.
15 February 2023
Getting to Parliament House for an excursion can sometimes be a little tricky, but that's okay because we have a fantastic alternative for you. Meet Grace and James, two of our Outreach Officers who can bring Parliament House into your classroom with an online incursion.
24 January 2023
Nearly everything we do involves some form of government, but it isn’t always apparent who takes the lead. Hospitals, waste collection, immigration – whose responsibility is it anyway? Here are some classroom games that can be used to deepen student understanding of this key concept.
General | 16 December 2022
Professional development program held for staff from five Pacific Island parliaments.
14 November 2022
For many people, visiting Parliament House for the first time can be overwhelming. For visitors who are neurodiverse and experience difficulties processing their environment, coming to a new and unfamiliar place can present extra challenges.
11 November 2022
If you're planning to book an excursion to Parliament House, we've put together this series of activities and resources that can be used to help prepare your students pre-visit and consolidate their learning post-visit.
25 October 2022
When members of Victoria’s Legislative Council introduced the secret ballot in 1856, it was a world-first reform that influenced electoral processes across the globe.
General | 21 October 2022
Young Victorians talk leadership in a new video series.
General | 13 October 2022
Several exciting new projects produced by young Victorians, for young Victorians have been officially unveiled at parliament.
General | 4 October 2022
Teachers were invited to explore Parliament House on Friday, as part of the first Parliament of Victoria Teacher Open House.
19 August 2022
After the traditional break in July for Members of Parliament to spend time in their communities, parliament has recommenced sitting with a lot happening before the 59th Parliament finishes.
Last month we hosted a professional learning panel in conjunction with the Victoria Law Foundation. The panel consisted of Justice Quigley, Supreme Court Judge and President of VCAT, Brad Rowswell MP (Member for Sandringham), and Andrew Young, Clerk of the Legislative Council and Clerk of the Parliaments.
General | 8 August 2022
Students from Williamstown Primary School, Brunswick Secondary College and Genazzano FCJ College have taken out the top prizes in this year’s competition, awarded by the Victorian Parliament to students who have recorded a 90-second response to the question, ‘What would you say to parliament if you were an MP?’
5 August 2022
Every year, the young people who enter our Parliament Prize competition talk about a really diverse variety of topics. These range from big concepts and international issues such as homelessness, poverty and global warming, to local issues such as fixing a road crossing, and everything in between.
4 August 2022
Even though students may not be eligible to vote there are lots of ways to have your voice heard and get involved in our democratic processes.
General | 29 July 2022
Parliament’s website and social media will soon have content produced by young Victorians.
Environment | 11 July 2022
Two Wiradjuri scholars have provided Indigenous perspectives on environmental management at a forum held at Parliament House on the final day of NAIDOC Week 2022.
14 July 2022
The Victorian parliament operates 16 committees that are formed of members from one or both houses of parliament. This overview provides an insight into the diverse range of issues and activities that the committees have been involved in recently.
14 October 2022
As part of the PHOTO 2022 international festival of photography, an installation on the steps of Parliament House explored the importance of meeting places, especially in regional Victoria.
Society | 14 July 2022
Members of the Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee have responded to a range of community questions during an online forum about their work.
20 March 2022
Connecting a Parliament Prize entry to issues or topics that are relevant to the school’s state electorate is a really good way for students to gain understanding of the levels of government and avenues for advocacy. Raising issues or topics relevant to the community and the electorate can also increase the likelihood of MPs engaging directly with the issue.
General | 30 June 2022
A regular video news bulletin about the Victorian Parliament is being produced in Auslan.
General | 1 July 2022
Those in the chambers and public galleries witnessed passionate, high quality, and at times intense argument on matters close to the participants’ hearts.
10 June 2022
Below are some of the current Committee Inquiries and Bills that are before both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council this month.
General | 5 January 2022
Aboriginal history, culture and identity feature in a landmark education resource published online.
General | 16 May 2022
Victorian students are invited to share what they would say to parliament if they were an MP.
12 May 2022
General | 13 April 2022
A new online community toolkit about Parliament has been launched by Legislative Council President Nazih Elasmar.
17 March 2022
Below are some of the current Committee Inquiries and Bills that are before both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council. More information about what is happening in Committees and during each sitting week can be found on the Committees and Bills and Legislation pages.
A series of interactive and hands-on workshops will focus on how people use the formal and informal spaces of Parliament to meet, use their voice, and influence the democratic process.
4 March 2022
On Thursday 3 March, Parliament of Victoria and Victoria Law Foundation hosted an online panel discussion about the principles of justice and the separation of powers. Joining the panel was Judge Tran and Judge Sexton from the County Court and Shadow Attorney General the Hon. Michael O'Brien MP.
16 February 2022
Below are some of the current committee inquiries and bills that are before both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council.
Our new three levels of government flashcards are a great way to teach students about the responsibilities of Australia's three levels of government and the relationship between them.
14 February 2022
With a new sitting year now under way, we thought it timely to look back on some of the longer Chamber debates in parliament's history.
10 December 2021
Narelle Wood and Carolyn Scott, educators in the community engagement team, hosted an online professional learning workshop titled Making connections: Parliament, students and communities. The slide deck from this workshop is now available.
12 October 2021
Bronte Olander has been working with the Community Engagement team as a Youth Associate in graphic design since late June, to support the creation of a number of new education resources.
18 August 2021
On Wednesday 28 July, the Parliament of Victoria hosted a professional learning webinar for 70 VCE Legal Studies teachers, students and preservice teachers. This was an opportunity for teachers and students to step outside the textbook and expand their knowledge of parliamentary committees in the law-making process.
4 June 2021
Entries to the 2021 Parliament Prize competition officially opened this week. To help students prepare their videos we reached out to Bill, one of our Communications Advisors here at the Parliament of Victoria, who shares some useful tips.
3 May 2021
The National Schools Constitutional Convention took place on the 24 & 25 March, which would normally see students from all around Australia travelling to Canberra for the two-day event. This year the convention was held across 11 hubs connecting with Canberra, the central hub, via video conferencing.
Our Education Advisory Panel plays an integral part in informing the work we do to connect teachers and students with the work of Parliament. This year, we are pleased to welcome 3 new panel members: Alison, Amelia and Jack.
5 March 2021
'Just wanted you to know' is an artwork by Parliament’s first ever photographer in residence, Eliza Hutchison, that explores political, personal and cultural narratives told through a montage of photographs and graphics. Eliza creates associations between these areas of our lives by finding both the commonalities and contrasts.