What happened in parliament - November 2023
04 December 2023

The first year of the 60th Parliament has been a busy one, with a range of bills passing in the last couple of sitting weeks of the year. While the work inside the Chambers is done for 2023, committee inquiries and the work of Members of Parliament in their electorate continues.
Here are some of the details of bills that have passed both Houses and are ready for Royal Assent and a couple of committee inquiries that are underway.
After a bill passes both Houses, the bill is presented to the Governor for Royal Assent. Once this process is complete, the bill becomes an Act of Parliament. The second clause of the bill usually outlines the date the law comes into operation.
Bills that have passed both Houses
Corrections Amendment (Parole Reform) Bill 2023
The Corrections Amendment (Parole Reform) Bill 2023 aims to amend the Corrections Act 1986 in relation to conditions for making a parole order for the prisoner Paul Denyer; to require the Adult Parole Board in certain circumstances to specify a period during which a prisoner is not eligible for parole; to make further provision for the sharing of certain information by the Secretary and the Adult Parole Board and to insert definitions for the terms ‘restricted prisoner’ and ‘restricted prisoner declaration’.
Crimes Amendment (Non-fatal strangulation) Bill 2023
The Crimes Amendment (Non-fatal Strangulation) Bill 2023 aims to amend the Crimes Act 1958 to introduce 2 new offences of non-fatal strangulation against a family member. The purpose of this Bill is to improve Victoria's response to non-fatal strangulation through introducing standalone offences. The Bill also makes a consequential amendment to the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 to recognise choking, strangling or suffocating a family member, or threatening to do so, as family violence behaviour.
This bill through Committee of the Whole in the Legislative Council, where Members of the Chamber debate each clause of the bill and propose and vote on amendments.
Committee inquiries
Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on vulnerable road users - The Legislative Assembly Economic and Infrastructure Committee
The inquiry into increasing the number of registered organ and tissue donors is in the process of developing its report after seeking public submissions and conducting public hearings. The inquiry is considering the effectiveness of the current model for registering to be an organ and tissue donor in Victoria, the impact of donation rates and opportunities to improve donation rates, as well as different models for donor registration. Public hearings heard from academics, medical experts, representatives from the Department of Health, people with lived experience and advocacy groups.
There is more information, including transcripts of the public hearings, on the committee inquiry page. The report is due to be tabled in parliament no later than 31 March 2024.
Inquiry into the state education system in Victoria - Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee
The Inquiry into the state education system in Victoria has reopened for submissions until the 15th of December.
The committee is investigating the Victorian education system across government schools. The inquiry will look at trends in student learning outcomes, disparities associated with geography and socio-economic disadvantage; the state of the teaching profession, including the administrative burden on teachers; and student well being, including measures to address poor mental health, school refusal and student disengagement. The committee will consider best practice models and educational settings used to improve student learning outcomes and wellbeing.
More information can be found on the committee inquiry page or by signing up for news alerts.