What's happening in committees - September 2024

02 October 2024

The committees in both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council have been busy with conducting inquiries and tabling reports. This blog post takes a look at a few different committees across both houses and their respective activities.


Legislative Assembly Committees

Economy and infrastructure

The committee inquires into any issues referred to by the Legislative Assembly related to education and training, the economy, jobs, industries, transport and finance.

Inquiry into workplace surveillance

On 14 May 2024, the Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Committee was referred an inquiry into workplace surveillance. The Committee is examining the extent to which surveillance data is being collected, shared, stored, disclosed, sold, disposed of and otherwise utilised in Victorian workplaces. The committee is conducting public hearings, with further hearings scheduled for 23 and 26 September 2024.

Their report is due by the end of March 2025.


Environment and planning

The Committee can examine any matters connected with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action and the Department of Transport and Planning and their related agencies

Inquiry into securing the Victorian food supply

In November 2023, the Legislative Assembly Environment and Planning Committee was referred an inquiry into securing Victoria’s food supply. The committee is examining the impacts of urban sprawl and population growth on arable land and the farming industry in Victoria and is to report its findings no later than 31 December 2024.

The committee is currently drafting its report.


Legal and Social Issues

The Committee can examine any matters connected with the following departments and their related agencies:

  • Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Government Services
  • Department of Justice and Community Safety
  • Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria

In March 2024, the Committee was referred an inquiry into the mechanisms for capturing data on the profile and volume of perpetrators of family violence [people using family violence] in Victoria and barriers to achieving a full understanding of this cohort. The Committee was initially due to report its findings by late November 2024, but this has since been extended to the end of March 2025 resolution of the Legislative Assembly on 1 August 2024.


Legislative Council Committees

Economy and Infrastructure

The Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee can inquire into and report on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with agriculture, commerce, infrastructure, industry, major projects, public sector finances, transport and education. It examines any matters connected with the following departments and their related agencies:

  • Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
  • Department of Transport
  • Department of Education and Training
  • Department of Treasury and Finance.

Inquiry into local government funding and services

In May 2023, the Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure committee agreed to a motion to investigate local government funding and service delivery in Victoria, including; cost shifting from state and federal governments to local council, the ability of local governments to meet core service delivery objectives, and whether there are alternative models of funding to consider. They are due to report by 28 November 2024.

The committee is currently conducting public hearings throughout Melbourne.


Environment and Planning

The functions of the Environment and Planning Committee are to inquire into and report on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with the arts, environment and planning the use, development and protection of land.

Inquiry into Climate Resilience

The Committee is investigating the main risks facing Victoria's built environment and infrastructure from climate change and the impact these will have on the people of Victoria, including how the Government is preparing for these impacts, and the preparedness for future climate disaster events. The Committee is due to present its report by 30 June 2025.

Public hearings are currently underway, running through until December.


Legal and Social Issues

The Legal and Social Issues Standing Committee will inquire into and report on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with community services, education, gaming, health, and law and justice.

Inquiry into food security in Victoria

The Committee is investigating the drivers of and solutions for food security in Victoria including the impact of food insecurity on physical and mental health and poverty and hardship and the options available to lower the cost of food and improve access to affordable, nutritious and culturally appropriate food.

The committee is currently drafting its report and must table it no later than 14 November 2024.