What's happening in parliament - August 2022
19 August 2022

After the traditional break in July for Members of Parliament to spend time in their communities, parliament has recommenced sitting with a lot happening before the 59th Parliament finishes.
Below are the details of three bills that have recently passed through parliament and are awaiting Royal Assent. You can find the full list of bills before parliament and the corresponding status (as of the 8 August) here.
Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Bill 2022
The Treaty Authory and Other Treaty Elements Bill 2022 was introduced in the Legislative Assembly on the 7 and passed on 23 June. The bill seeks to:
- recognise the establishment of the Treaty Authority under the Treaty Authority Agreement and facilite its operations by giving legal force to its activities, and
- amends the Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018, in relation to the treaty negotiation framework and self-determination fund to support the establishment of those elements by agreement between teh State and the Aboriginal Representative Body.
The bill was recieved by the Legislative Council on the 23 June, debate included the Committeee of the whole stage (where each clause of the bill is read, debated and potentially amended), and passed, without amendments on the 16 August.
The Explanatory Memorandum can be read here.
Education Legislation Amendment (Adult and Community Education and Other Matters) Bill 2022
The Education Legislation Amendment (Adult and Community Education and Other Matters) Bill 2022 was introduced in the Legislative Assembly on 24 May. It passed the Legislative Assembly on 23 June and was introduced to the Legislative Council on the same day. The bill passsed the Legisilative Council on 16 August. The bill seeks a range of amendments, including amendments to:
- provide the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) with greater discretion to conduct compliance audits of registered training organisation,
- modernise the framework for Victorian student numbers, and to make other amendments to that Act, and
- amend the Child Wellbeing and Safety (Child Safe Standards Compliance and Enforement) Act 2021, the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005, and the Child Wellbeing and Safety (Child Safe Standards Compliance and Enforcement) Amendment Act 2021 to ensure relevant persons are subject to the reportable conduct scheme and the Child Safe Standards.
The Explanatory Memorandum can be read here.
Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Amendment Bill 2022
The Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Amendment Bill 2022 was introduced into the Legislative Assembly on the 21 June. It passed the Legislative Assembly on the 4 August and was introduced into the Legislative Council the same day, passing the Legislative Council without amendment on the 16 August. The bill seeks a range of amendments, including amendments to:
- epand the powers and functions of the Essential Services Commission
- extend the operation of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Scheme
- the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 and the Essential Services Commission Act 2001, such as changes in language, application of the law, addition of clauses, and penalties.
The Explanatory Memorandum can be read here.