What's happening in Parliament - February 2022
16 February 2022

Below are some of the current committee inquiries and bills that are before both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council.
Committee Inquiries
More information about what is happening in Committees and during each sitting week can be found on the Committee's and Bills and Legislation pages.
Pandemic declaration accountability and oversight
The new pandemic oversight committee held its first hearing in January 2022. It is a joint investigatory committee with members from both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council. The committee was established late in 2021 after new legislation was passed by parliament. The committee heard from several members of the Department of Health, including the Chief Health Officer, Professor Brett Sutton.
Environmental inifrastructure for growing populations
The Environment and Planning committee has presented its report on Environmental Infrastructure for Growing Populations. The committee received over 250 submissions from councils, groups and individuals all over Victoria. They also conducted a series of hearings to receive input from the community. The committee investigated ways to increase access to parks and open spaces in Melbourne and regional centers.
Apartment design standards
An inquiry into Apartment Design Standards held two hearings in Febraury. The committee is investigating the current apartment living standards and how improvements can be made. The committee has also received over 50 submissions as part of the inquiry.
Children of imprisoned parents
The committee will investigate the social, emotional and health impacts on affected children, as well as what services are available and possible improvements that can be made.
Bills before Parliament
Legislative Assembly
Livestock management amendment (Animal Activism) bill 2021
A Bill for an Act to amend the Livestock Management Act 2010 to provide for biosecurity management plans, to create an offence relating to contravening prescribed biosecurity measures and for other purposes.
Crimes (mental impairment and unfitness to be tried) amendment bill 2020
Bill for an Act to decriminalise sex work, to repeal the Sex Work Act 1994, to provide for a new protected attribute in the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts and for other purposes.
Legislative Council
Sex work decriminalisation bill 2021
A Bill for an Act to decriminalise sex work, to repeal the Sex Work Act 1994, to provide for a new protected attribute in the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts and for other purposes.
Major events legislation amendment (unauthorised ticket packages and other matters) bill 2021
A Bill for an Act to amend the Major Events Act 2009 to prevent the unauthorised advertising and sale of ticket packages for sports ticketing events and ticketed events to which a major event ticketing declaration applies and for other purposes.
Domestic animals amendment (reuniting pets and other matters) bill 2021
A Bill for an Act to amend the Domestic Animals Act 1994 to improve the process for reuniting pets with their owners and to make other miscellaneous and consequential amendments and for other purposes.