What's happening in parliament - October 2023
18 October 2023

We are more than half way through the first year of the 60th Parliament. It’s been a busy year so far, with a range of new bills introduced, and several committees holding inquiries, including public hearings in regional Victoria.
Here are some of the details of bills before both houses and two of the committee inquiries that are underway.
Legislative Assembly
Special Investigator Repeal Bill 2023
The Special Investigator Repeal Bill 2023 repeals the Special Investigator Act 2021 and abolishes the Office of the Special Investigator. The initial Act was introduced in 2021 following recommendations from the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants, to investigate potential criminal conduct and breaches of discipline relating to the recruitment, management and use by Victoria Police of Nicola Maree Gobbo as a human resource. The Victorian Government decided that the Office of the Special Investigator will be decommissioned after none of the investigations led to any criminal or disciplinary proceedings being commenced. The bill is currently in the second reading stage in the Legislative Assembly.
The Gambling Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
This bill was introduced to the Legislative Assembly on the 15th of August. It amends: the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 to establish a right to housing; and the Housing Act 1983 to set a target of ending homelessness in Victoria by 2030. The bill requires a plan to be developed to meet the target and requires annual reporting on progress towards the target and for other purposes.
Legislative Council
Residential Tenancies Amendment (Rent Freeze and Caps) Bill 2023
The purpose of the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Rent Freeze and Caps) Bill 2023 is to prohibit increases in rent payable for a period of two years, limit the rate of increases in rent and to prohibit excessive rent for premises not previously let. In addition, it aims to repeal provisions allowing residential providers to give a notice to vacate because a fixed term residential rental agreement has ended. The bill was introduced to the Legislative Council on the 29th of August 2023, and is currently in the second reading stage.
The Residential Tenancies Amendment (Rent Freeze Caps) Bill 2023 is a private member’s bill. It was introduced by Aiv Puglielli MP, Member for Northern Metropolitan (The Australian Greens – Victoria). Most bills are government bills proposed by the relevant Minister, and any other bills proposed by someone other than a minister is a private member’s bill.
Children, Youth and Families Amendment (Raise the Age) Bill 2022
The Children, Youth and Families Amendment (Raise the Age) Bill 2022 aims to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility in Victoria from 10 to 14 years, which is consistent with current medical understanding of child development and contemporary human rights standards. It also aims to prohibit the use of solitary confinement in relation to a person detained in a remand centre, youth residential centre or youth justice centre.
The bill was introduced to the Legislative Council on the 20th of December 2022. It is currently in the second reading stage. If this bill passes the Legislative Council, it will then progress to the Legislative Assembly for consideration.
Waiting for Royal Assent
After a bill passes both Houses, the bill is presented to the Governor for Royal Assent. Once this process is complete, the bill becomes an Act of Parliament. The second clause of the bill usually outlines the date the law comes into operation.
Summary Offences Amendment (Nazi Salute Prohibition) Bill 2023
The Summary Offences Amendment (Nazi Salute Prohibition) Bill 2023, seeks to make the public display or performance of Nazi gestures an offence and extends the application of the offence of public display of Nazi symbols. The Legislative Council voted to pass the bill on the 17th of October 2023. The law will come into operation on the day after it recieves Royal Assent.
Committee inquiries
Inquiry into increasing the number of registered organ and tissue donors - Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee
The inquiry into increasing the number of registered organ and tissue donors is in the process of developing its report after seeking public submissions and conducting public hearings. The inquiry is considering the effectiveness of the current model for registering to be an organ and tissue donor in Victoria, the impact of donation rates and opportunities to improve donation rates, as well as different models for donor registration. Public hearings heard from academics, medical experts, representatives from the Department of Health, people with lived experience and advocacy groups.
There is more information, including transcripts of the public hearings, on the committee inquiry page. The report is due to be tabled in parliament no later than 31 March 2024.
Inquiry into the state education system in Victoria - Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee
Public submissions for the Inquiry into the state education system in Victoria have just closed. Once the submissions have been processed, the committee will hold public hearings, before finalizing the report and presenting it to parliament.
The committee is investigating the Victorian education system across government schools. The inquiry will look at trends in student learning outcomes, disparities associated with geography and socio-economic disadvantage; the state of the teaching profession, including the administrative burden on teachers; and student well being, including measures to address poor mental health, school refusal and student disengagement. The committee will consider best practice models and educational settings used to improve student learning outcomes and wellbeing.
More information can be found on the committee inquiry page or by signing up for news alerts.