What's happening in parliament - May 2024
30 May 2024

In this blog post we take a look at a couple of bills under consideration in both houses, as well as a number of committee inquiries. There has been a lot going on in committees, including the interim report for the 2022 Flood Event in Victoria that was tabled at the Legislative Council's regional sitting in Echuca and the recent hearing for Public Accounts and Estimates Committee Inquiry into vaping and tobacco controls.
Below are the details about a couple of bills before the houses and a number of committee inquiries at different stages of the committee inquiry process.
Legislative Assembly
Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Bill 2024
The Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Bill 2024 was introduced into the Legislative Assembly on 14 May 2024 and is now in the second reading stage. The bill seeks to establish the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, to repeal the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Act 1985 and to consequently amend other Acts. The bill outlines the establishment of the Institute along with the objects, functions and powers of the Institute, for example, to provide or assist in the provision of forensic services and human tissue services, and to assist the Coroners Court with its functions under the Coroners Act 2008.
Legislative Council
Financial Management Amendment (Gender Responsive Budgeting) Bill 2024
The Financial Management Amendment (Gender Responsive Budgeting) Bill 2024 is currently in the second reading stage in the Legislative Council, having passed the Legislative Assembly on 15 May 2024. This bill aims to amend the Financial Management Act 1994 to embed gender responsive budgeting into the Victorian budget. The bill enshrines a high-level commitment to gender equality and inclusivity in spending and taxing policies, creates a minimum standard for budget reporting obligations on gender equality, and empowers the Minister to request gender impact assessments under the Act.
Committee Inquiries
Legislative Assembly Committees
Inquiry into workplace surveillance - Economy and Infrastructure Committee
On 14 May 2024, the Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Committee were referred an inquiry into workplace surveillance. The inquiry will examine the extent to which surveillance data is being collected, shared, stored, disclosed, sold, disposed of and otherwise utilised in Victorian workplaces. Subscribe to the Inquiry News Alert for updates on public submissions or public hearings.
Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on vulnerable road users - Economy and Infrastructure Committee
In March 2023, the Legislative Assembly referred the Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on vulnerable road users to the Economy and Infrastructure Committee. The committee investigated the changes to road safety behaviours during and post the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the impacts on vulnerable road users. The report was tabled in parliament on 1 May 2024.
Inquiry into securing the Victorian food supply - Environment and Planning Committee
The Legislative Assembly Environment and Planning Committee have been conducting public hearings across Victoria as part of their Inquiry into securing the Victorian food supply. The inquiry is examining the impacts of urban sprawl and population growth on arable land and the farming industry in Victoria. The committee have held public hearings in Melbourne and regional areas, including Morwell, Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo. The committee heard from a range of experts as well as conducted site visits.
The committee is expected to report its findings no later than 31 December 2024.
- See some video snapshots from the inquiry on the committee inquiry page
Legislative Council Committees
Inquiry into the state education system in Victoria - Legal and Social Issues Committee
The Legal and Social Issuess Committee is investigating the Victorian education system across government schools, looking at trends in student learning outcomes, disparities associated with geography and social-economic disadvantage. The committee is also investigating the state of the teaching profession including the administrative burden on teachers, and student wellbeing including measures to address poor mental health, school refusal and student disengagement.
Public submissions have closed and the committee is now conducting public hearings. Public hearings have been conducted in Bairnsdale, Traralgon, Bendigo, Shepparton and Melbourne, and there will be further public hearings in Melbourne in the coming weeks.
The reporting date has been extended until 15 October 2024.
- See some video snapshots from the public hearings on the committee inquiry page
Inquiry into the 2022 Flood Event in Victoria - Environment and Planning Committee
The Legislative Council Environment and Planning Committee tabled their interim report on the Inquiry into the 2022 Flood Event in Victoria at the regional sitting in Echuca, on 18 April 2024.
The Final Report is expected to be tabled mid-2024.
Inquiry into local government funding and services - Economy and Infrastructure Committee
The committee is investigating local government funding and service delivery in Victoria, including cost shifting from state and federal governments to local council and if there are alternative modes of funding to consider.
The committee is currently accepting submissions until 28 June 2024.
- Read the full terms of reference on the committee inquiry page
- Read a recent parliamentary news article on the inquiry
Joint Committee Inquiries
Inquiry into vaping and tobacco controls - Public Accounts and Estimates Committee
The Public Accounts and Estimates Committee is investigating trends in vaping and tobacco use and the associated impacts on the community, repercussions of the illicit tobacco and e-cigarette industry in Victoria, the adequacy of state and Commonwealth legislation, the effectiveness of current public health measures and other related matters. They are currently undertaking public hearings, with their report due no later than 30 November 2024.
- For more information visit the committee inquiry page
- Read a recent parliamentary news article on the inquiry