Teacher Open House

Thursday 10 April, 3pm-5pm,  Parliament House

Teachers and educators from across Victoria are invited to an open house experience at the Victorian parliament on Thursday 10 April at 3pm.

If you’ve been considering a school visit to Parliament House or you’d like to know more about the resources that are available to support civics and citizenship in your classroom, then register your place at this free event.

This is an opportunity to explore some of the key spaces inside Parliament House and familiarise yourself with the work that takes place here. Enjoy light refreshments as you chat with parliament staff, ask questions, and connect with colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere.


Preparing for Parliament Prize 2025

Monday 28 April 2025, 4.30 pm - 5.30 pm 
A free professional development event
Presented online 

Our annual Parliament Prize competition will be opening in May again this year. In preparation, we're running a free, 1-hour professional development session, where we will take a closer look at the Parliament Prize competition, including Members' Statements, the entry form and most importantly, tools and techniques for including Parliament Prize into the classroom. There will also be plenty of time to have all your questions answered. 

The event is suitable for teachers of Grades 5 & 6 and Years 7 to 12 civics and citizenship related subjects and English, but teachers of any year level or subject are welcome to join us. 

Register for the online workshop

About our programs

The Victorian parliament offers a range of opportunities for teachers looking to engage in professional learning, which are designed to enhance professional knowledge and practice, and support student learning.

There are a range of learning opportunities on offer, including seminars, conferences, workshops and online learning, with particular relevance to Civics and Citizenship and Legal Studies.

Each professional learning session addresses the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST). The standards that are most often addressed through participation in parliament’s professional learning opportunities include:

  • APST 2 Professional knowledge: Know the content and how to teach it
  • APST 6 Professional engagement: Engage in professional learning
  • APST 7 Professional engagement: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community.

Get in touch

We're always happy to hear from teachers who would like to discuss their requirements when introducing Civics and Citizenship into the classroom.

Whether you're looking for advice on the use of our resources or subject matter expertise, we're here to help.

Use the form below to send us an email and we'll work with you to organsie a time to talk.

Contact us

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How did you hear about the Victorian parliament's education resources?

We promote all our professional learning opportunities through our social media channels and our education newsletter, Springboard. Sign up to Springboard to find out what's coming up.

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Previous professional development activities