Each year around May, the Government tables the budget papers and the Appropriation Bills in the Parliament. The budget papers include estimated projections of government revenue over the forward estimates (three years) and expenditure for the next financial year. They also outline the fiscal outlook for the State’s economy and the Government’s proposed major initiatives.
The appropriation bills reflect the spending proposals contained in the budget papers and the Parliament must pass the bills to authorise the expenditure of public money. The budget papers and the appropriation bills form the basis of accountability for financial and performance management for each government department.
On behalf of the Parliament, the Committee conducts detailed scrutiny of the Government’s annual spending and revenue (the budget estimates).
The Committee’s budget estimates inquiry aims to benefit the Parliament and the community by:
- promoting the accountability, transparency and integrity of the executive and the public sector
- encouraging effective and efficient delivery of public services and assets
- enhancing the understanding of the budget estimates and the wider economic environment and
- assisting members of Parliament in their deliberation on the appropriation bills.
Contact us
Public Accounts and Estimates Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street
Previous public hearings
Corrected transcripts of these hearings are published below when finalised by the Committee.
- Wednesday 30 June 2021Parliament of Victoria, Spring Street, Melbourne, 3002
2:35 PM
The Honourable Natalie Hutchins MP
Crime Prevention3:10 PM
The Honourable Natalie Hutchins MP
Corrections4:25 PM
The Honourable Natalie Hutchins MP
Youth Justice5:30 PM
The Honourable Natalie Hutchins MP
Victim Support6:30 PM
The Honourable Mary-Anne Thomas MP
Regional Development - Tuesday 29 June 2021Parliament of Victoria, Spring Street, Melbourne, 3002
9:35 AM
The Honourable Martin Pakula MP
Trade10:05 AM
The Honourable Martin Pakula MP
Business Precincts10:50 AM
The Honourable Martin Pakula MP
Tourism, Sport and Major Events1:25 PM
The Honourable Jaala Pulford MLC
Employment2:30 PM
The Honourable Jaala Pulford MLC
Innovation, Medical Research and Digital Economy - Monday 21 June 2021Parliament of Victoria, Spring Street, Melbourne, 3002
10:20 AM
The Honourable Gayle Tierney MLC
Training and Skills and Higher Education12:50 PM
The Honourable Colin Brooks MP The Honourable Nazih Elasmar MLC
Parliamentary Departments, Parliamentary Departments - Friday 18 June 2021Parliament of Victoria, Spring Street, Melbourne, 3002
11:15 AM
The Honourable Martin Foley MP
Ambulance Services5:10 PM
The Honourable Luke Donnellan MP
Child Protection6:15 PM
The Honourable Luke Donnellan MP
Disability, Ageing and Carers - Thursday 17 June 2021Parliament of Victoria, Spring Street, Melbourne, 3002
8:30 AM
The Honourable Ben Carroll MP
Public Transport10:15 AM
The Honourable Ben Carroll MP
Roads and Road Safety12:45 PM
The Honourable Jacinta Allan MP
Transport Infrastructure and Suburban Rail Loop4:40 PM
The Honourable Melissa Horne MP
Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation5:40 PM
The Honourable Lily D'Ambrosio MP
Energy, Environment and Climate Change - Wednesday 16 June 2021Parliament of Victoria, Spring Street, Melbourne, 3002
8:30 AM
The Honourable Danny Pearson MP
Assistant Treasurer10:15 AM
The Honourable Danny Pearson MP
Regulatory Reform11:25 AM
The Honourable Danny Pearson MP
Creative Industries2:05 PM
The Honourable Ros Spence MP
Community Sport2:50 PM
Shaun Leane MLC
Local Government3:55 PM
Shaun Leane MLC
Suburban Development - Thursday 27 May 2021Parliament of Victoria, Spring Street, Melbourne, 3002
4:30 PM
The Honourable James Merlino MP
Deputy Premier/Education7:00 PM
The Honourable James Merlino MP
Mental Health