Report Tabled

This inquiry was completed in the 57th parliament.

For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:

Phone: (03) 8682 2800


  1. 1.Assess the existing corporate governance arrangements in the Victorian Public Sector and determine whether they are appropriate and effective in view of the significant reforms which have transformed the Victorian Public Sector, particularly in the use of alternative service delivery mechanisms;

  2. 2.Review the effectiveness of the present corporate governance and accountability arrangements for:

    1. State owned enterprises and determine whether any improvements are required; and

    2. partnership arrangements between the Victorian Public Sector and:

      1. the private sector;

      2. not-for-profit organisations.

  3. Review the effectiveness of the arrangements for monitoring and reporting on corporate governance issues in the Victorian Public Sector, particularly in terms of:

    1. the information that is publicly available on the performance of government entities and the mechanisms available to allow the Parliament, consumers and the community to gain access to this information;

    2. the information available about what services are offered to the community; and

    3. the complaint mechanisms available to Members of Parliament, consumers and the community.

  4. Review and seek advice on developments with corporate governance in other jurisdictions; and

  5. Determine what improvements, if any, need to be made to current corporate governance frameworks in the Victorian Public Sector.