Report Tabled

This inquiry was completed in the 57th parliament.

For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:

Phone: (03) 8682 2800


  • Provide an overview of the various major infrastructure projects in Victoria that have involved private sector funding since 1990, with particular emphasis on issues relating to risk allocation and protection of the public interest;
  • Review and evaluate the expectations and outcomes of these projects in relation to the benefits and disadvantages to the community; 
  • Review Victorian, Australian and International legislative and policy frameworks and practices regarding private sector investment in public infrastructure;
  • Examine the various government models for evaluating and monitoring private investment in public infrastructure projects and the governance and accountability arrangements;
  • Review and evaluate mechanisms used by the Victorian Government to protect the public interest;
  • Review the mechanisms which the Victorian Government uses to evaluate the effectiveness of private sector investment in public infrastructure projects to determine whether they represent value for money for the government and benefit the community;
  • Assess the framework for risk allocation between the public and private sectors and its application, with particular emphasis on how well risk is assessed, allocated and managed; and
  • Consider and report on any other relevant matters.