Public Accounts and Estimates Committee
Inquiry into the Victorian Auditor-General’s report no.253: Managing School Infrastructure
Public hearing information
Information on the Committee's public hearings and transcripts of evidence, presentations and questions on notice responses are available below
Hearings and transcripts
Tuesday 10 March 2020
..Meeting Room G6, 55 Saint Andrews Place, East Melbourne, 3002
9:30 AM
Victorian Auditor-General's Office David Barry, Deputy Auditor-General Ingrid Blackburn, Senior Manager, Performance Audit10:30 AM
Department of Education and Training Jenny Atta, Secretary Chris Thompson, Assistant Deputy Secretary, Schools and Regional Services Victorian School Building Authority Chris Keating, Chief Executive Officer Jessica Trinder, Executive Director, Asset Management and Strategy Tom Kirkland, Executive Director, Delivery Ella McPherson, Chief Operating Officer11:45 AM
Victorian Principals Association Anne-Maree Kliman, President Andrew Dalgleish, Principal, Montpellier Primary School2:00 PM
Victorian Planning Authority Stuart Moseley, Chief Executive Officer Tyler Agius, Infrastructure Planner Tim Mileham, Acting Director, Infrastructure