Mr John Mullahy

John Mullahy

Meet John

John is the son of two migrants who moved to Victoria seeking the opportunity to create a better life for their children. Born and raised in the regions, John moved to Melbourne and started a successful small business in the eastern suburbs.

In 2022, John’s deep belief in the achievements of the then-Andrews Labor Government led him to stand for Glen Waverley District, becoming the first Labor MP in history to represent the seat. Every day, he is driven by values of compassion, hard work and social justice – a product of his proud Irish heritage.

John is passionate about advocating for his constituents and delivering the Allan Labor Government’s bold agenda across education, transport, health and job creation. Millions of dollars of government investment is underway in the Glen Waverley electorate, including historic upgrades to local schools, green spaces, and the Suburban Rail Loop.

He is proud to be part of a government that is doing what matters: improving the lives of Victorians and creating a brighter future for the next generation, including his young daughter.


Committee membership

Allowances, budget and international travel reports

In accordance with section 9I of the Parliamentary Salaries, Allowances and Superannuation Act 1968 the relevant Officer must publish the prescribed details in respect of claims for work-related parliamentary allowances or under the Budget and expense allowances (if any) and electorate allowances and the motor vehicle allowance (if claimed) made to the relevant Officer during each period of 3 months ending 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December as soon as practicable after the end of each period.

Historical information

  • First elected
    26 November 2022
  • 849 days of parliamentary service
    2022 - current

Electorate represented

  • Glen Waverley since 26 November 2022

Party represented

  • Australian Labor Party since 26 November 2022

Committee membership history

Electorate office

Contact the electorate office for matters about your community.