Wednesday, 22 June 2022
Members statements
Kiamah Dowling and Jasmine Pole
Kiamah Dowling and Jasmine Pole
Congratulations to two outstanding young women, Kiamah Dowling and Jasmine Pole, from Carrum Girl Guides for achieving their Queen’s Guide award, the peak achievement for youth members of Girl Guides Australia. I was honoured to join them for their award presentation and to hear about their incredible service to the community and to the guiding movement over many years. These two Queen’s Guides now join Alicia Withers, daughter of Jan Withers, the district manager for Kingston and region and manager southern for Girl Guides Victoria, who was the last Queen’s Guide recipient at Carrum 21 years ago. To Kiamah and Jasmine, this is an outstanding and well-deserved recognition of your hard work, perseverance and determination to reach milestones and personal goals and to contribute to our community. Congratulations to you both. You are wonderful role models for so many. I also wish to acknowledge the many other mother-daughter-leader combinations there, including Tamara Rees with her two daughters, as well as Sam Dowling and Fiona Connell.