Wednesday, 22 June 2022
Members statements
Early childhood education
Early childhood education
Mr CHEESEMAN (South Barwon) (10:06): I have seen firsthand through my own boys, Isaac and Noah, the benefits of kinder. Kinder improved their socialisation and built up their confidence, which then well prepared them for primary school. That is why I welcome the Andrews Labor government’s massive free kinder announcement made last week. My electorate is a growing one, and this means that I represent many young families who have chosen to make South Barwon their home. This reform means for many South Barwon families the opportunity to save up to $2500 per child every year through kinder. Over the next decade the Andrews Labor government’s announcement will see a massive change to our kinder program, and this will provide every opportunity for kinder-aged kids to access up to 30 hours a week of play-based learning, which will make a huge difference in preparing those young people for the future. The Andrews Labor government believes that kinder is so important, and we are also making available through this announcement up to 50 new government-owned and operated childcare centres to help support our growing community. This reform is so important.