Tuesday, 20 September 2022
Mr CARBINES (Ivanhoe—Minister for Police, Minister for Crime Prevention, Minister for Racing) (19:23): I think I might just take them in the order that they were raised. The member for Caulfield raised a matter for the Minister for Planning. The member for Caulfield is no longer with us but it was about implementing mandatory height limits across the City of Glen Eira. I will certainly do that with the Minister for Planning. I can commend to the member for Caulfield that we did introduce mandatory height limits in the Ivanhoe electorate—in Ivanhoe—through the former Minister for Planning, the honourable member for Richmond. So there is certainly a track record there.
The member for Hawthorn raised a matter for my good self in relation to joining him at Swinburne University. I would like to thank him for raising that adjournment matter with me, and I would be delighted to join the member for Hawthorn at Swinburne University of Technology in Hawthorn and observe the progress of their research partnership, and in particular the partnership with Swinburne University that was announced and launched by the previous minister, the honourable member for Sydenham, back in June last year.
I note the member outlined that Swinburne was the first Victorian university to undertake this type of research partnership with Pasifika students in collaboration with the Centre for Multicultural Youth as part of the building safer communities program. We have current projects underway through the program involving a number of research institutes, including La Trobe, Monash, Swinburne, Melbourne and Victoria universities. In July I attended the La Trobe University campus in Bendigo to announce the second round of our Crime Prevention Innovation Fund grants, where the team from La Trobe Uni rural health school—which I know will be of interest to you, Speaker—in Bendigo and industry partners are tackling drink spiking and addressing drug- and alcohol-facilitated sexual violence in the Bendigo region. But really it is a project that is about worldwide ramifications and implications. This research is not being undertaken in any measurable way anywhere else in the world. So while it is happening in Bendigo, it really is about responding to worldwide concerns, and it really shows the great leadership at La Trobe in Bendigo.
A $90.4 million investment in building safer communities is a cornerstone of our government’s crime prevention strategy. Our government is investing in local communities to deliver innovative and local initiatives under that strategy to help Victorians feel safer. Our crime prevention strategy sets out how we are working in three action areas to support and invest in communities, enabling them to innovate and address issues at a local level. It is why our government has invested some $90 million since 2015–16 to support over 900 community crime prevention initiatives across Victoria.
I look forward to visiting Swinburne with the energetic and passionate member for Hawthorn to receive an update on that important work in my capacity as the Minister for Crime Prevention. I should just conclude on the note that we saw in the independent crime statistics released only last week that crime across Victoria is down some 10 per cent—further work that demonstrates that our investments in crime prevention are having a very significant positive effect for all Victorians.
The member for Gippsland East raised a matter for the minister for environment and is seeking action to address black wattle infestation and roadside debris prior to the upcoming summer, and I will see that those matters are passed on.
The long-serving member for Yan Yean raised a matter for the Minister for Emergency Services seeking action and support for flood and storm prevention in the Creswick area and particularly to have some further conversations and actions with the very hardworking local resident and our Labor candidate for Ripon, Martha Haylett, and I will see that action is taken there.
The member for South-West Coast raised a matter for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. She was keen for the minister to drive across the South-West Coast electorate and see the roads that are ‘in magnificent condition’. However, I should add—
Ms Britnell interjected.
Mr CARBINES: I was quoting there, member for South-West Coast. I should also add that she did go on to say in her contribution that she does feel that many of those roads are unsatisfactory and require the attention of the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. We will be very clear in quoting the member for South-West Coast that perhaps she would like some further action there.
The member for Narre Warren South raised a matter for the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers. He would like further information and action from the minister on how the Emerging Stronger grants will support the Narre Warren South electorate and his community, and I will see that that is passed on.
The independent member for Shepparton raised a matter for the Minister for Commonwealth Games Delivery. She has sought for the minister to visit Shepparton to see the range of events and facilities that would put Shepparton really in the box seat to host Commonwealth Games events and activities and host Commonwealth Games athletes, and I will be sure to pass those matters on for action to the Minister for Commonwealth Games Delivery.
The member for Bayswater raised a matter for the Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep. He wants to know how many families in Knox will benefit from the Andrews Labor government’s free $2500 kinder initiative—that is $2500 per kinder student—for families and related programs.
The member for Sandringham raised a matter for the honourable Premier and in particular sought action from the Premier to match the member’s commitments, and he listed very many of those that he has made in his electorate, including to remove those level crossings at Highett and Wickham roads and related matters, and I will see that passed to the Premier for action and response.
The member for Frankston raised a matter for the Minister for Health, in particular about The Crossing program, a very significant program. He wants action to see that rehabilitation model supported and acted on by the government, and I will ensure that those matters in relation to that very significant program, which industrial partners and many others have raised on behalf of that program, The Crossing, are passed on. I know that many of our caucus members are very familiar with that advocacy and that work and the value that that program can provide to so many people in relation to rehabilitation services.
I commend all of those matters to you, Speaker, and I conclude my remarks.
The SPEAKER: Thank you, Minister. The house now stands adjourned until tomorrow.
House adjourned 7.30 pm.