The Hon. Maree Edwards

Maree Edwards

Meet Maree

Before entering Parliament, Maree worked in local government in Maryborough and Benalla and as an electorate officer in Bendigo West. She also raised four children and cared for her terminally ill husband, while completing her BA Hons as a mature-aged student.

Maree has a passion for community and delivering better outcomes for regional communities. This is what prompted her to run for Parliament.

The priorities Maree has for her community are improving access to education and facilities, expanding regional health services, and ensuring more jobs for regional residents. She also wants to deliver infrastructure improvements for roads, rail, housing and public facilities, to meet population growth.

Maree's vision for Victoria’s future is that equality is not negotiable. Maree says that vulnerable people and communities must be listened to, and that support must be available to all.

The areas of public policy that she is most passionate about are education, health, mental health, climate change and the environment, jobs, and prevention of family violence. She also believes in pursuing equality for women, LGBTIQ communities, CALD communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and people living with disabilities.


  • Speaker of the Legislative Assembly since August 2022

  • Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly March 2017 - August 2022

Committee membership

Allowances, budget and international travel reports

In accordance with section 9I of the Parliamentary Salaries, Allowances and Superannuation Act 1968 the relevant Officer must publish the prescribed details in respect of claims for work-related parliamentary allowances or under the Budget and expense allowances (if any) and electorate allowances and the motor vehicle allowance (if claimed) made to the relevant Officer during each period of 3 months ending 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December as soon as practicable after the end of each period.

Historical information

  • First elected
    27 November 2010
  • 5,238 days of parliamentary service
    2010 - current

Electorate represented

  • Bendigo West since 27 November 2010

Party represented

  • Australian Labor Party since 27 November 2010

Positions held

  • Speaker of the Legislative Assembly since 2 August 2022

  • Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly 7 March 2017 - 2 August 2022

Committee membership history

Electorate office

Contact the electorate office for matters about your community.

Postal address

PO Box 1238 Kangaroo Flat VIC 3555

Speaker's Office

Contact the Speaker’s office for matters concerning Parliament

Learn more about the role of the Speaker under the People in Parliament page.