Tuesday, 7 March 2023
Anthony CARBINES (Ivanhoe – Minister for Police, Minister for Crime Prevention, Minister for Racing) (19:33): I rise to respond to adjournment matters raised by members. Firstly, the member for South-West Coast to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action that she seeks is that the minister drive through the South-West Coast to see the roads and their condition in person. The member for Wendouree raised a matter for the Minister for Mental Health, and the action she sought was for the minister to provide a briefing about how mental health services are being provided to residents and carers in her local community.
The member for Morwell raised a matter for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety in relation to intervening and fast-tracking works on the Latrobe River bridge. The member for Point Cook raised a matter for the Minister for Environment in the other place in regard to action to visit the Point Cook electorate to see the progress on the upgrades to the Bay Trail project. The member for Sandringham raised a matter for the Minister for Housing. The action that he sought was to authorise the department to allow the member to meet with departmental staff to put the views of the housing estate residents on related matters and actions and works that are required in the Highett housing estate.
The member for Northcote raised a matter for the Minister for Mental Health, and the action she sought was to arrange a briefing on the progress to deliver the new eating disorders strategy and related services. The member for Brunswick raised a matter for the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure seeking that the minister and the level crossing removal authority team pay close attention to Merri-bek council’s submissions regarding landscaping and related services along the rail lines in relation to level crossing removal works and upgrades and improvements there, particularly in relation to landscaping matters and the significant consultation that the member has been engaged in with local communities.
The member for Pascoe Vale raised a matter for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action he sought was the latest update to evaluate pedestrian and motorist safety across the Bell Street corridor. All roads lead to Bell Street when you represent the northern suburbs. The member for Narracan raised a matter for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action that he sought is that up to $3 million be allocated for expenditure by Regional Roads Victoria on studies and related designs – that is the word that I have written here – across the Drouin and Warragul communities. I will pass those matters on.
The member for Bayswater raised a matter for the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, and the action that he has sought is that the minister visit his electorate of Bayswater to see and understand the significant capital investments funded by the Andrews government and the positive effects those investments will have on his community.
I commend members for the action items, and I will see that they are passed on to relevant ministers.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, Minister. The house now stands adjourned until tomorrow.
House adjourned 7:36Â pm.