Tuesday, 7 March 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
North Richmond medically supervised injecting facility
Questions without notice and ministers statements
North Richmond medically supervised injecting facility
Emma KEALY (Lowan) (14:01): My question is to the Minister for Education. Yesterday the minister stated in response to questions about the permanent location of the North Richmond injecting room next to Richmond West Primary School that:
No-one has overdosed and died since it’s opened.
Does the minister stand by her statement that no-one has died within the proximity of the injecting room?
Natalie HUTCHINS (Sydenham – Minister for Education, Minister for Women) (14:01): The location and operation of the safe injecting facility in North Richmond is actually a matter for the Minister for Mental Health in her capacity. I can stand by my comments yesterday around how well the school has been operating and excelling in its NAPLAN result and its engagement of kids and in being able to deliver a really safe environment for the kids there.
Emma KEALY (Lowan) (14:02): Thank you very much. Dead bodies and all, huh, minister?
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Lowan is out of order! The Deputy Premier will come to order.
Members interjecting.
Emma KEALY: I am not. I am taking very seriously the matter, absolutely.
The SPEAKER: The member for Lowan will come to order!
Emma KEALY: Enrolments at Richmond West Primary School are down and a resident –
Daniel Andrews interjected.
Emma KEALY: In International Women’s Day week I would have thought the comments from the Premier were completely out of order.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: The house will come to order.
Emma KEALY: Enrolments at Richmond West Primary School are down, and a resident told the review that drug use remains highly visible, stating:
I walk my daughter to school, witness fights, brazen drug deals, drug use, drug-affected people …
How can the minister’s statement yesterday that the school has thrived be correct?
Natalie HUTCHINS (Sydenham – Minister for Education, Minister for Women) (14:03): I am very proud to be defending a state school like Richmond West, which is delivering one of the most outstanding Mandarin programs that I have seen at any school. They are delivering a bilingual program from grade 3 that no other school in this state is doing. They are also delivering Vietnamese at that school and they are excelling in their NAPLAN results.
Emma Kealy: On a point of order, Speaker, on relevance, I ask you to bring the minister back to the point that within the Ryan report that was released today that local residents are concerned about their own students walking past drug use, drug dealing and dead bodies. I ask you to bring her back to that specific element.
The SPEAKER: The point of order was in relation to the statement and whether it was correct. The minister will come back to the question.
Natalie HUTCHINS: The Department of Education continues to work with the broader Richmond community, including the health facility there, including Vic Police, including neighbours –
Daniel Andrews: Which all predates the injecting facility.
Natalie HUTCHINS: Yes, to deliver the safest options that we can for any school. Now, this school is not unique. There are problems in communities all over the state that schools have to continue to operate with, and I am really proud that our department has stepped up additional resources for this school and additional security.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! The Deputy Premier and the member for Lowan will cease interjecting across the table.