Tuesday, 16 May 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: Big Housing Build
Ministers statements: Big Housing Build
Colin BROOKS (Bundoora – Minister for Housing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (14:31): We all know that the Andrews Labor government’s $5.3 billion Big Housing Build is delivering more than 12,000 social and affordable homes for Victorians right across our state. We know that every Victorian deserves the dignity and security of a home. That is why we are making the biggest investment –
John Pesutto interjected.
The SPEAKER: Order! The Leader of the Opposition!
Colin BROOKS: in social housing in the history of our state. Don’t worry, I am coming to you.
This calendar year we are unveiling more than 3000 new social homes, the most ever delivered in a single year. But the Big Housing Build is delivering so much more than a roof over people’s heads. It is also delivering on the Andrews Labor government’s emissions reduction targets. All the new homes under the Big Housing Build will meet a minimum 7-star rating under the nationwide house energy rating scheme, NatHERS. It does not matter what postcode you live in, the Big Housing Build is delivering the same modern and energy-efficient homes right across the state. These brand new homes will be cool in summer and warm in winter and, critically, will ensure that lower bills are available for social housing renters. You can see the standards firsthand when you visit any of the 7600 homes completed or under construction.
Over the last few months I have joined local members of Parliament visiting some of our Big Housing Build social housing projects, and what we see is incredibly impressive. Just last week I joined the member for Ashwood and the Minister for Planning at the brand new Markham estate in Ashburton – 178 social and affordable homes, just another one of the social housing developments opposed by the Greens and the Liberals. It is not just in Canberra that the Liberals and the Greens oppose more social housing. There have been no questions today about housing funding coming from Canberra. That is because the Liberals and the Nationals and the Greens are blocking more funding from the federal government for social housing here in Victoria. I would suggest to the Leader of the Opposition that he should walk straight out of the chamber, get on the phone, ring Peter Dutton, stand up to Peter Dutton and deliver more social and affordable housing for Victoria.