Tuesday,12 November 2024


Caulfield Racecourse Reserve



Caulfield Racecourse Reserve

At the moment, if there is a race day, the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve middle is closed for two days before the races, and if you have a Wednesday meet and a Saturday meet that means the locals have no access to the racecourse for the whole week, which is absolutely pointless, particularly when you see racing going to 31 race days, up from 24 last year. We are talking about potentially night racing and more racing at Caulfield. We have got to get the balance right to ensure that locals get access to the middle of the racecourse. I know we have a new board at the racecourse, and I look forward to also working with the Melbourne Racing Club in trying to get a solution with all of this, but it is really important we have an act of Parliament that ensures that an important part of the use of the reserve is public open space. The public are being locked out not only during race days but two days before the race days. I would ask the Premier to intervene. Let us get a meeting organised and let us ensure that finally the locals of Caulfield get proper access to the middle of the racecourse. We would love money as well. We know money is tight, but at the very least let us ensure that Caulfield racecourse is open to residents so they can walk their dogs, go for a walk and get better use of the public space.