Tuesday, 12 November 2024


Sneydes–Point Cook roads, Point Cook


Sneydes–Point Cook roads, Point Cook

Mathew HILAKARI (Point Cook) (19:02): (912) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action that I seek from the minister is to join me at the intersection of Sneydes Road and Point Cook Road. This intersection, of course, is one of the most important in the community that I represent because of safety, and the minister has been there several times with me already. She has made a fantastic effort in making sure the department actually understands just how important this road intersection is. She may have seen her life flash before her eyes as I led her across the intersection at one point in time, but it does really just bring home how important the roads are for the community that I represent and those of so many others in this house. I look forward to seeing the minister in the electorate.