Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Constituency questions

Narracan electorate

Narracan electorate

Wayne FARNHAM (Narracan) (14:42): (924) My question is to the Minister for Police, and I ask: when is the minister going to take action addressing policing issues in the Narracan electorate? My community has reported some serious increases in crime, and unfortunately the community of Narracan has very limited policing. We need the 24-hour station in Drouin that does not look like it will be delivered anytime soon. Trafalgar has limited resources, and the town of Rawson looks like it has lost or will lose its single-man police station. I have had increasing reports of crime across the week, and it could be that coming into Christmas there is a bit of a crime spree going on. But unfortunately my community is suffering because of the lack of resources. I look forward to talking to the minister about these issues.