Tuesday,26 November 2024
Cambridge Reserve dog park
Cambridge Reserve dog park
Dylan WIGHT (Tarneit) (19:19): (948) My adjournment this evening is for the Minister for Environment, and I ask the minister to update my constituents on the construction timeline for the Cambridge Reserve dog park in Hoppers Crossing. The Allan Labor government has invested $7.5 million over the past four years to deliver 31 new off-leash dog parks across the state under the suburban parks and building works programs. In the 2023–24 budget $13.4 million was allocated to further expand the new and upgraded dog parks program, delivering on the election promise to protect parks, pets and wildlife.
On 17 May the minister announced funding for 19 new and upgraded dog parks across Victoria, including Cambridge Reserve in Hoppers Crossing. The new dog park will feature concrete paths, a bin, dog-bag dispensers, a double-gated entry, open lawn and gravel areas, drinking fountains and a 1.2-metre-high perimeter fence. This park will cover at least 3000 square metres – I will repeat that, 3000 square metres – aligning with the council off-leash plan to ensure even distribution of local off-leash areas. The Allan Labor government has contributed $350,000 to this project with the Wyndham City Council, in partnership with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. They are responsible for its design and delivery. Construction is expected to be completed by mid-2025, and my constituents in Hoppers Crossing will absolutely love it.