Wednesday, 21 September 2022
Tabled by Clerk:
Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018—under section 43 of the Act—
Advancing the Victorian Treaty Process—Report, 2021–22.
First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria—Report, 2022.
Auditor-General’s Office—Report, 2021–22.
Auditor-General’s Reports on—
Follow-up of Maintaining the Mental Health of Child Protection Practitioners, September 2022 (Ordered to be published).
Major Projects Performance Reporting 2022, September 2022 (Ordered to be published).
Quality of Child Protection Data, September 2022 (Ordered to be published).
Quality of Major Transport Infrastructure Project Business Cases, September 2022 (Ordered to be published).
Eastern Health—Report, 2021–22.
Education and Training Department—Report, 2021–22.
Environment, Land, Water and Planning Department—Report, 2021–22.
Families, Fairness and Housing Department—Report, 2021–22.
Goulburn-Murray Rural Water Corporation—Report, 2021–22.
Greater Western Water Corporation—Report, 2021–22.
Health Department—Report, 2021–22.
Justice and Community Safety Department—Report, 2021–22.
Local Jobs First—Report, 2021–22.
Melbourne Health (The Royal Melbourne Hospital)—Report, 2021–22.
Melbourne Port Lessor Pty Ltd—Report, 2021–22.
Melbourne Water Corporation—Report, 2021–22.
Monash Health—Report, 2021–22.
National Gallery of Victoria (NGV)—Report, 2021–22.
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004—Report of requests for the approval of persons or bodies by the Governor in Council, 2021–22, under section 11 of the Act.
Parliamentary Committees Act 2003—Government responses to the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee’s Reports on the—
2020–21 Financial and Performance Outcomes.
Inquiry into Gender Responsive Budgeting.
Premier and Cabinet Department—Report, 2021–22.
Prevention of Family Violence Act 2018—Progress on Preventing Family Violence and Violence Against Women in Victoria: First Three-Yearly Report to Parliament, September 2022, under section 15(4) of the Act.
Public Record Office Victoria (PROV)—Report, 2021–22.
Respect Victoria—Report, 2021–22.
Rolling Stock Holdings (Victoria) Pty Limited—Report, 2021–22.
South East Water Corporation—Report, 2021–22.
Subordinate Legislation Act 1994—Documents under section 15 in respect of Statutory Rule Nos. 83, 84 and 87.
Surveyor-General—Report, 2021–22 on the administration of the Survey Co-ordination Act 1958.
Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003—Report, 2021–22, by Victoria Police, under section 37F of the Act.
The Royal Children’s Hospital—Report, 2021–22.
Transport Accident Commission (TAC)—Report, 2021–22.
Transport Department—Report, 2021–22.
Treasury Corporation of Victoria—Report, 2021–22.
Victoria Police—Report, 2021–22.
Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission—Report, 2021–22.
Victorian Law Reform Commission—Stalking—Final Report, June 2022 (Ordered to be published).
Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA)—Report, 2021–22.
Victorian Rail Track (VicTrack)—Report, 2021–22.
Victorian Veterans Council—Report, 2021–22.
Victorian WorkCover Authority (WorkSafe Victoria)—Report, 2021–22.
Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017—Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board’s Report of Operations, 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.
Yarra Valley Water Corporation—Report, 2021–22.