Thursday,21 March 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements




In noting the Ombudsman’s interest in social housing and in this report, you are correct in identifying a letter of response which is appended to the Victorian Ombudsman’s report, a response which I had detailed and sent to the Ombudsman a number of months ago. I am committed to making sure that we have better outcomes, that we have positive outcomes and that we have consistent outcomes for renters across the social housing system. We have seen a 22 per cent decrease in housing-related inquiries from the Victorian Ombudsman in the July to December 2023 period compared to the same time from 2022. There was also a 25 per cent reduction in housing maintenance inquiries and 4 per cent fewer neighbourhood dispute inquiries were received from the Victorian Ombudsman during this period.

I am also determined to make sure that in delivering on local maintenance pilot projects – which are delivered through hundreds of people across the system, including people who call social housing home – there is engagement and a response that accords with the urgency and the priorities of issues as they are raised by residents. I also want to make sure that we are considering the recommendations made by the Ombudsman and are in a position, given that they cross a number of different portfolios, including as they relate to the charter of human rights and to freedom-of-information law, for the government to respond to and address those questions and recommendations. But I also note that the content of the same report refers to significant progress being made by the department.

It is my expectation, as I said at the outset, that those improvements will continue. We do see a significant reduction in the number of general maintenance inquiries raised by residents and tenants, and we do see that the work goes on to improve a system which, as I said at the outset, should never have included the sorts of examples set out in that report. Indeed the work goes on. I am committed to being part of it.