Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Middle East conflict
Middle East conflict
Sarah MANSFIELD (Western Victoria) (09:43): I move, by leave:
That this house:
(1) notes that since the Legislative Council’s resolution on 17 October 2023 concerning Israel and Gaza, which states that this house ‘stands with Israel’, according to reports by Human Rights Watch the Israeli government and its forces have:
(a) arbitrarily detained at least 310 Palestinian health workers carrying out their duties in Gaza;
(b) deported Palestinian health workers to detention facilities in Israel;
(c) allegedly tortured and ill-treated detained healthcare workers, including but not limited to prolonged cuffing, denial of medical care and the administration of psychoactive drugs before interrogations;
(2) recognises the brave healthcare workers who continue to risk their lives to provide care to people in Gaza;
(3) does not support the state of Israel’s continued invasion of Gaza;
(4) supports calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire; and
(5) calls on Labor to take action, including severing military trade relationships with the state of Israel.
Leave refused.