Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Constituency questions

Western Metropolitan Region


Western Metropolitan Region

David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan) (12:58): (1186) My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Last week the Premier announced an expansion of the activity centre housing program, with 25 new precincts for increased housing density around railway stations. While my constituent supports locating housing in transport corridors, designating Tottenham as an activity centre will inevitably put more strain on the Ashley Street underpass, which I have raised in this place before. The underpass is the only north–south rail crossing within a 5-kilometre area and has only one lane each way. It has no bike path, and the footpath, which is the only entrance to the station from the north, basically floods whenever it rains. It is dark and it is dangerous. My constituent asks: with Tottenham being slated for hundreds of new homes, will the government consider additional crossings, or is the plan to simply funnel more residents through Melbourne’s most miserable underpass?