Tuesday, 29 October 2024


Rainbow libraries toolkit

Rainbow libraries toolkit

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) presented a petition bearing 4733 signatures:

The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the need for the Government to withdraw the Rainbow Libraries Toolkit rollout to Victorian public libraries.

For every person somehow validated by ‘inclusive’ questions, many more will feel uncomfortable, insecure and confused. Parents should not have to worry that a visit to the library could confuse or indoctrinate their children. Librarians should not be required to implement the Government’s social engineering agenda. Five year olds are far too young to need to consider their sexual orientation or “gender identity”.

The Petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to cease the rollout of the Rainbow Libraries Toolkit to Victorian public libraries.

Bev McARTHUR: As this is a petition qualifying for debate under standing order 11.03(10), I give notice that I intend to move ‘That the petition be taken into consideration’ on Wednesday of next sitting week.