Thursday, 6 February 2025


North East Link


North East Link

Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (17:29): (1385) My adjournment is to the Minister for Transport Infrastructure, and the action I seek is for her to explain the secrecy when it comes to the North East Link and explain why her authorities and departments are silencing local residents affected by the North East Link. Recently I joined over 400 people in Bulleen for a North East Link community forum that was hosted by the federal member for Menzies Keith Wolahan with the member for Bulleen Matthew Guy, the member for Kew Jess Wilson and member for North East Metro Richard Welch. But there were also several community advocates who were there and spoke. There were over 400 people there – that was as many as we could fit in the room – and over a thousand expressed interest. The action I seek of the minister is to explain why she did not attend, why she did not send a representative. We did ask the North East Link Program. We did ask every possible department.

Sonja Terpstra interjected.

Evan MULHOLLAND: I understand – and Ms Terpstra may want to chat to the minister – and found out it was also put to the minister that any government representative, should they be available, would be able to attend. We asked the minister to provide that opportunity, but no, she clearly did not speak to Ms Terpstra and invite Ms Terpstra along. I am sure Ms Terpstra would have been able to explain to the 400 people there why they were forcing everyone to sign non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreements, would be able to explain specifically the noise complaints, the light pollution, the actual pollution, the dust, the lack of parking in suburban streets. She would have been able to speak to all of the residents that have missed garbage collections because of North East Link workers parking in their streets, causing massive disruption. She would have been able to explain the amount of double glazing that is being put on by the North East Link, which is also silencing people from telling anyone about the fact they got double glazing. They were even told not to tell their neighbours that they got double glazing, even when the North East Link know that other houses need it too because they will be severely impacted. So I seek the action of the minister to be open and transparent with residents and with the community regarding the North East Link.