Thursday, 6 February 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Duck hunting
Table of contents
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Paramedic Practitioners) Bill 2024
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Ingrid STITT
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Paramedic Practitioners) Bill 2024
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Georgie CROZIER
- Ingrid STITT
- Ingrid STITT
Duck hunting
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:32): (794) It is that time of the year again. My question is for the minister representing the Minister for Outdoor Recreation. In recent years, Victorians have endured delayed duck-hunting seasonal arrangements and the negative impacts that has on hunters, their employers, regional towns and businesses. The science is clear that the adaptive harvest model works. I am happy that the AHM has been adopted, but we still seem to have delays to the arrangements being announced. So will the government give some reassurance to hunters and regional businesses and commit to an earlier announcement and release the season details now?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Water) (12:32): Mr Bourman, absolutely correct – it is that time of the year again, isn’t it? And so I expect a couple of other questions along the same lines, although with different content, from other members of the house over the coming weeks. I will refer this matter to the Minister for Outdoor Recreation, and I am sure that they will respond as per the standing orders.
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:33): I thank the minister. It is going to be kind of predictable for a couple of months. A worry for the hunting community is the shape that the competency training will take. Will the government offer confirmation that the proficiency testing rollout is meant for new licensed shooters in the first year and that any other changes to existing licences will be upon renewal?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Water) (12:33): Again, Mr Bourman, I thank you for your supplementary question. That will be referred to the Minister for Outdoor Recreation.