Thursday, 20 February 2025
Members statements
Cannabis law reform
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Cannabis law reform
Rachel PAYNE (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (09:49): Last week I was in Canberra to speak to stakeholders about the many positive outcomes of the decriminalisation of cannabis laws in the ACT. While in Canberra I met with Anita Mills, CEO of ATODA, the Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association, and Chris Gough, executive director of CAHMA, the Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy. I was interested to hear Anita’s perspective, as someone who previously worked with the AMA, on what impacts, if any, decriminalisation has had on the ACT. Anita emphasised that the best outcome has been the health-led approach that has been adopted, not only by legislators and policymakers but also by the ACT police. The ACT experience is that cannabis, and all other drugs for that matter, should be treated as a health issue, not a criminal issue, and the outcome of this has been really positive. You see, when criminalisation is lifted so is the veil of stigma. It has resulted in people who need support reaching out to health professionals. It has resulted in those who are most marginalised getting the support they need. It has resulted in greater education and understanding. CAHMA indicated that the changes had a profoundly positive effect on the stigma people felt, had increased willingness to seek support, had improved consumers’ relationship with police and had allowed a community to develop. All of the harm reduction specialists I spoke to indicated that they had a good working relationship with lawmakers, law enforcement and harm reduction agencies themselves. After all, isn’t this what a caring community is all about? I thank Anita and Chris for their valuable insights.