Thursday, 20 February 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
North Melbourne Language and Learning
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North Melbourne Language and Learning
Anasina GRAY-BARBERIO (Northern Metropolitan) (12:03): (814) My question is to the minister for housing. Minister, the North Melbourne Language and Learning centre is a local non-profit organisation located at the base of the public housing towers at 33 Alfred Street, North Melbourne. It provides vital services to the local public housing community, especially the culturally diverse community, including English lessons, food markets, connections to local services, supports and educational workshops. Serving the North Melbourne community for 36 years, it currently pays peppercorn rent to Homes Victoria for this location. However, they have been told by Homes Victoria they have to leave by September this year, when the tower will be demolished. Homes Victoria initially promised they would be looked after, but now Homes Victoria says all they will provide is $50,000 in relocation costs, but no help with ongoing rent, which means the organisation may have to close. Minister, will Homes Victoria step in to find and fund a new home for this organisation?
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Housing and Building, Minister for Development Victoria and Precincts) (12:04): Thank you, Ms Gray-Barberio, for that question. Yet again, after yesterday’s common ground, which we have started to find under the new leadership of the Greens in this place, I want to assure you that the work that we are doing, particularly with North Melbourne Language and Learning, is a really important part of making sure we are addressing the impact of change on communities, particularly when we are talking about the support that is being provided to people and therefore to the agencies and organisations that they contribute to. As you have rightly pointed out in relation to 33 Alfred Street, residential tenants have begun moving into their new homes.
That stage will conclude in September this year, and redevelopment will follow that process. The department has offered relocation support to North Melbourne Language and Learning, and that includes making sure that there is an option to extend the lease to September 2025 and also reimburse the costs for relocation expenses. That includes removalists and temporary storage, and we will continue to fund North Melbourne Language and Learning through the neighbourhood house coordination program.
I also want to perhaps give you a measure of comfort around the support being provided on the extension of the lease and reimbursement. Those costs will be reimbursed up to $50,000 for relocation expenses, and we are also looking forward to receiving options from North Melbourne Language and Learning as an organisation, from their committee of management, for consideration. That is a process that is ongoing. It has been happening for the last couple of months. Although these options will be limited, we also want to make sure that we can actually explore every opportunity for government support. Importantly, the Fitzroy Learning Network did receive $2.36 million from the Community Support Fund in 2023–24 to support upgrades to its facilities on the Fitzroy site. I am very much determined to continue the work of engagement with the people and the programs of North Melbourne Language and Learning. This is part of making sure we are addressing the challenges of change and making sure that the people and organisations affected by that change are given the access to conversations and engagement and exploration of options as they arise.
Anasina GRAY-BARBERIO (Northern Metropolitan) (12:06): Minister, North Melbourne language school has done a huge amount of work looking for alternative locations in the area, but commercial leases cost more than $150,000 a year, many of them more than $200,000 a year in rent. This is completely beyond the reach of this local organisation. We cannot lose these vital services from the local area. They are only having to move because Homes Victoria is demolishing their existing office space. Can the minister clarify, if the responsibility does not lie with the government, who is responsible here?
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Housing and Building, Minister for Development Victoria and Precincts) (12:07): Thank you for that supplementary question. Government has responsibility for making sure that in the delivery of programs and services, support is given and options are explored for the purpose of continuing the operations of organisations that are embedded in and part of communities, such as North Melbourne Language and Learning. This is also work that we are doing alongside council, who have a role to play in this work as well. We want to make sure, as I said in the answer to my substantive question, that we are exploring options with communities affected by this large-scale change. Again, everything from relocation for families and for residents right through to the changing operations of organisations is part of ongoing conversations that Homes Victoria is having, that multiple departments across government are having and that we are continuing to work with on the ground every day. What I would encourage is an ongoing conversation. I am very happy for you to be part of that in terms of the work that we do to make sure we can reduce and manage the impact on North Melbourne Language and Learning as this process continues.