On 22 September 2020 the Committee sent a general questionnaire to each department requesting information to assist it with its Inquiry into the 2020-21 Budget Estimates.
Questionnaire responses
Department of Health and Human Services 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response - revised response q.7
Questionnaire Response | 13 January 2021
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response
Questionnaire Response | 1 December 2020
Department of Transport 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response
Questionnaire Response | 1 December 2020
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response
Questionnaire Response | 30 November 2020
Department of Treasury and Finance 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response
Questionnaire Response | 30 November 2020
Department of Health and Human Services 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response
Questionnaire Response | 27 November 2020
Department of Justice and Community Safety 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response
Questionnaire Response | 26 November 2020
Department of Premier and Cabinet 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response
Questionnaire Response | 26 November 2020
Court Services Victoria 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response
Questionnaire Response | 25 November 2020
Department of Education and Training 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response
Questionnaire Response | 25 November 2020
Parliamentary Departments 2020-21 budget estimates questionnaire response
Questionnaire Response | 25 November 2020