Report Tabled

The Committee resolved at its meeting on 3 April 2023 to conduct a follow up inquiry into the Victorian Auditor-General’s reports no. 99: Follow up of Regulating Gambling and Liquor, tabled on 28 November 2019 and no. 213: Reducing the Harm Caused by Gambling, tabled on 18 March 2021.

Under the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 (Vic), the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (the Committee) is responsible for conducting follow up inquiries on selected audits conducted by the Victorian Auditor-General. Follow up inquiries look at the progress that has been made implementing audit recommendations, identify any issues with implementation and investigate new issues that may have arisen since the report was tabled. Follow up inquiries also allow the PAEC to make recommendations that will improve specific areas of public administration and accountability.

The Committee has announced a follow up inquiry into the Victorian Auditor-General’s reports on Regulating gambling and liquor; and Reducing the harm caused by gambling. With regards to the scope, the Committee’s inquiry will also include gambling through online applications but will exclude gambling at Crown Melbourne.

The Committee will inquire into:

1. The 2019 recommendations of the Auditor-General on regulating gambling and liquor:

a. Licensing Industry Participants

b. Assuring compliance

c. Measuring performance and collaborative engagement

2. The 2021 recommendations of the Auditor-General on reducing the harm caused by gambling:

a. Understanding gambling harm

b. Preventing gambling harm

c. Treating gambling harm

3. Regulating and reducing the harm caused by online gambling.

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Public Accounts and Estimates Committee 
Parliament House, Spring Street
